Reply Sun 18 Jul, 2010 05:21 am
Afternoon BEAgle

it's a bit of grumpy day outside so... I am de-wallpapering the hall Shocked (ack - don't like wallpaper) - I've started... now I've got to finish!

(until I get distracted Razz)

(who's got my steamer thing...? who knows! grrrr squeezy water bottle, "0"s and "X" across the wall, spray, scrape off, messy 'ole job> Wink
Reply Sun 18 Jul, 2010 06:07 am
Hi Izzie, can I distract you, from your labour of love. Laughing Gosh you start the most difficult projects on your day of rest, you should be putting your feet up and relax before Monday comes. Can you never sit still? Smile Our weather is a bit like yours, been pelting down all day, so haven't ventured outside. However need to go out Monday morning and see my guardian angels next door. All well downunder Captain. Now get back to work. Smile
Reply Sun 18 Jul, 2010 06:20 am
ha - this was definitely not one of my better ideas - it's been less than an hour and i have managed one strip of wallpaper - darn vinyl ack stuff - - hahahaha, hands are very ugly and sore!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

nem'mind - shall persevere - i will do this - got some very loud rock going on - little bit of Alice Cooper Mr. Green

(oh Tulip, if you're around - HEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEELP required, please apply within! Razz
Reply Sun 18 Jul, 2010 12:41 pm
Sorry Iz as you know was being agony aunt! Am now tired very tired, exhausted! Antibiotics kicking in!!
Reply Sun 18 Jul, 2010 02:57 pm
Take care of yourself Tulip. So sorry you are not well.

Izzie - YUCK - removing wallpaper is a pain in the butt. I have no wall paper in my house. Thought about it once. Then my father in law was talking about having to take his down and I changed my mind. Yuck! Good luck with it hun!

My fellers are home. So good to have them back! They make me laugh. I love that about them. Wii fit today - hilariously funny. They have gone to the park with the prof. So I must go get something done before they get back!

Hugs y'all.
Reply Sun 18 Jul, 2010 03:46 pm
Morning crew best wishes to Tulip, hope you wake up well in the morning. Well Izie how much wall papering did you get done, all looking spick and span?

Hi mismi, silence is finished now the boys are back home, bet you were glad to see them. Don't work to hard!

Hugs to you'se all.
0 Replies
Reply Sun 18 Jul, 2010 05:28 pm
Yep Mis, I dislike most wallpapers - but some I see these days are so... lush...

however, not really a wallpaper person - whoever put the wall paper up in the hall did a great job Evil or Very Mad

we've been hours, stopped at 11pm and have managed 1.5 walls - using fingernails... well, what's left of them. S-boy was a superstar when I started flagging and stepped up to the mark whilst I cleared up the bits around and attemped to wash the walls - naturally, half the "thick" sealant paint under came off too and most up we'be back to pink now (which made me smile - love a Pink) Wink

to be honest - totally wiped out now and eating Pear drops - requiring major sugar fix.

Heartbreak for both me and S-boy today - we're both in so much pain - we just hugged, ya know, silent tears - both desperate to even see R-boy, what he looks or sounds like . He was over at my Moms - but he got very agitated when Mom approached the subject. I'm getting the 10hr/wek carer to see if he will allow S-boy to go and see him whilst I work next week. I can't see it happening, R is admant he will not see us again, I don't even know if it's the right thing to do - but S is hurting so badly - we just need a good cry together before we both lose our minds completely by missing him.

ah well.

tired - taken potion - S is still awake - he was such a help tonight. We miss R so much.

That's how I can understand just how much having your babies back there means to you Mis, and I am so delighted, it fills my heart with warmth to hear you talking of them - I can so picture you - you were singing as you were writing - love that Mis - hug them tight and have some real good fun with them this evening. Aunty Iz sends them major league hugs and kisses.

So pleased to see your smiling face Dixie - have a happy week at work. Love you xxxxxxxxxxxxxx

BEAgle - very glad to hear this

Dutchy wrote:

All well downunder Captain.

Just the way we like it. Love you too D. x

((((Blue)))) - took a pic for you tonight in the deep dark evening breeze - it reminded me of you xox x

Tulip - no worries - see ya Wed.. posivibing for your ear to be better. xxx

0 Replies
Reply Mon 19 Jul, 2010 02:10 am

Got to go and get some ceramic bits to fix a dripping tap this morning.

Hey, how come A2K is not sending me updates now?

Is there any information on this?
Reply Mon 19 Jul, 2010 03:54 am
Hey Crew

POMcT - can you pick up some sandpaper for me whilst you're out and get me some of those colour charts - cheers mate Wink Hope you get your dripping stopped.

and yep or nope - I'm not receiving all PM email updates or others... a few come through, but definitely not all Shocked

<off out to FOCUS shortly, so I can Do It All > Wink
Reply Mon 19 Jul, 2010 04:09 am
Hello McTag and Izzie, have been on line all day but not once did I receive an update today, unusual as I normally get quite a few. They must be working on the site again. Nothing new to report Captain, except my guardian angels were happy with the figures I presented to them this morning. After that I went to McDonalds and celebrated with a nice hamburger and chocolate thick shake, my first indulgence for months. Smile
Reply Mon 19 Jul, 2010 04:23 am
Oh so pleased D - everything's in working order - long may your figures figure!

Seems there's a lot of medical whatnot going on right now. FQsis FIL will be operated on Thursday (worrying time for K-Bro MaMa - she's made of sturdy stock - he's been in hospital a month now and just wants to get back home - thoughts and posivibes to them)

My PaPa goes for an echo tomorrow - I don't think it's anything to worry about tho, I think they're just playing safe to check all is working as it should be - he has a very slow, sometimes missing, rhythm - strangely R-boy has the same thing ... but then again, so does my ex. Gosh - all these heartaches a? Sure all will be ticketyboo with my PaPa.

OK - I gotta go and try to figure what colour to paint the hall - which will take me forever - I won't be able to decide - do I keep it whitish... or saffron... or a hint of lilac... or a touch of sienna ... gotta go get us some colour charts.

(still have to get some straggly bits of vinyl off then wash the walls and sandpaper, seal... then actually paint........ prolly this time next year I may finish Razz (got work for 3 more days (busiest of the year) then school's out - yay)

Have a lovely evening D and so pleased that everything is doing what it's supposed to be doing. Indulge away BEAgle - love you x
Reply Mon 19 Jul, 2010 04:37 am
Glad to hear you got the paper off the wall, Iz. Enjoy yourself with the color. Something soothing.

I, like the wicked witch of the west, and melting.

Reply Mon 19 Jul, 2010 12:22 pm
Edit: Just spotted a wrong word.

I, like the wicked witch of the west, am melting.
Reply Mon 19 Jul, 2010 03:30 pm

Like a chocolate fireguard.

Mens sana in excelcis deo.
0 Replies
Reply Mon 19 Jul, 2010 03:32 pm

Carpe diem pro bono.

We are now watertight once again, continent even. But I scratched a wheel when I went for the tap repair kit. Drat it all.
Reply Mon 19 Jul, 2010 03:46 pm
Morning crew heading out for some driving and whale watching, there are a few about further down the coast. Sorry I can't read Latin McTag but I guess you fixed your leaky tap which I'm familiar with. Sorted out your colours Izzie?
Reply Mon 19 Jul, 2010 03:54 pm
i am so not a painter and redecorater Razz new walls. no probs, old walls, crumbly flaky blech...

yeah yeah, had the wraps down on the carpet, just no-where I dropped the loaded paintbrust - anyhoo -i'll stick to my day job methinks - tired, and crahped out -body is so complaing - good anger therapy - destroy the walls and start again ...

I now know why the thivk icky vinyl wallpaper was on there - walls are rubbish, so gouged and bumpy - ah well - Bodge Jobs I Iz - my house, who gives a ....

have sanded and base coated most

will finish at the weekend - too much to do over the next few days - I'm knackered!!!!

Hoping the crew had a great day - been thinking of you all with my brush strokes- got a heap big pile of school work for the next 3 days - they'll be long, finished Friday (longing for that)

catchy'all when I can

(Boida, <cackles with the wicked witch Mr. Green BEAgle, Missy, POMcT, Mis, MaMaVerby, Alex, RH, JPB, jw, Stormy, Babbling, Beth and of course, ((((Blue))) and all our crew....lovin' y'all xox x
0 Replies
Reply Mon 19 Jul, 2010 03:55 pm
Yep, got a colour (kinda off white called Marscapone - but need to cover all the cracks and filly in bits first - getting there... just, it's tiring. Will persevere when time permits - long days coming up.

Love to you D x

<camera sonny, please try for pics.... oh so happy you are going to do that... GOOD ONYA COBBER! big love. xx
0 Replies
Reply Tue 20 Jul, 2010 02:31 am

Do you think whales appreciate noisy boats with tourists, near them? I've often imagined that they don't. They communicate by sound. Just a thought.
Maybe they concentrate on the lower frequencies, like Bootsie Collins.

I don't speak Latin either. Per ardua ad astra, sic transit gloria mundi.
Reply Tue 20 Jul, 2010 03:32 am
McTag, have no fear, tourist boats not allowed anywhere them. We observe them from the top of the hills looking down at them, unfortunately none were in sight today. Along the shores of the Great Australian Bight, 300 feet above the water on the steep cliffs are viewing platforms built by the native population to give the many tourists travelling between east and west a bird's eye view of them. Dozens upon dozens of whales with their calves can be observed close to shore without them being disturbed. http://www.southaustralia.com/9001985.aspx
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