Reply Tue 20 Jul, 2010 04:25 am

I'm very glad to hear that.

They say that dolphins and whales are often disoriented by booms and whumps.

But then of course, dolphins often play on the pressure wave in front of a moving vessel. (Which must be making a lot of underwater noise.) So they, at least, are adaptable.
Reply Tue 20 Jul, 2010 05:10 pm
Hey Crew...

ooooof... can't stay, past midnight and I have to be up in a few hours - will try and say hey tomorrow.

lovin' y'all and you're all in my thoughts

must go bed.... must...

night darlin's

(((((((((Bosun, Mis, POMcT, Baz, Tulip, ((Blue))) and Crew)))))))))))))))

Reply Tue 20 Jul, 2010 06:21 pm
Hi Captain, I shall not wake you but hope you have a good and restful sleep. Bosun is off with brother and sister in law for a seaside restaurant luncheon. A once a year affair when we walk to the end of the pier and throw flowers in the water remembering our parents who were buried at sea in the Netherlands. A symbolic gesture.
0 Replies
Reply Tue 20 Jul, 2010 10:01 pm
Hey hun - how did your Dad's echo go? Didn't I read that?

We went to a baseball game tonight. The Barons in Birmingham. Shew! It was hot - like 95 degrees and 100% humidity kind of hot. Yuck. YUCK. The boys kept hanging out by the bull pen hoping for a ball to be thrown to them. No luck this time. I had a beer and a hot dog and annoyed the people in front of me by whistling really loud (I have to use 4 fingers). It was fun. Not very lady like though.

I gotta' go to bed myself. So sleepy.

Hugs to you all...
Reply Wed 21 Jul, 2010 09:46 am
mismi wrote:

Hey hun - how did your Dad's echo go?

Hey Mis, hey Crew

Dad's echo was OK thank you - everything mechanical is as it should be but it showed he's missing beats so therefore, no pulse Shocked ... he has to wait and see the consultant, maybe beta blockers or something - not sure yet, but PaPa was reassured that nothing was wrong with the mitrals etc. Thank you for asking Mis - I'm sure he'll be fine Very Happy Hope that work is going well for you and all is back to normal with the kidlets. WOW - you 'aint kiddin' - that's some heat y'all are having in the US. Razz We are mixing sunshine and rain - had to cancel our last session of sailing as it was torrential again - but the plan is to start again in the Autumn Term. Yay. love you Mis x

BEAgle - did you have a lovely lunch - I remember the photo you took last year - glad you got to do this year. Be well D... love x

(((((Blue))))) - hoping all is good in your world - smooches Blue you x

We break up from school tomorrow - last day and then off for a few weeks - looking forward to the break. S-boy is with Tulip tonight as they have all broken up already - they'll be having fun. Me, Ima tired, very tired - been resting but gotta go and paint or do something useful - maybe see how much I can paint the carpet again.

Take care all, those near and far

One Day More... another day another destiny lalallala

Reply Wed 21 Jul, 2010 10:12 am
I hope your father is okay, Izzie. My sister is in the hospital this week for surgery. Her cardiac tests have shown for over a year that she needs a valve replaced. She is actually looking forward to this surgery and hopes that it will improve her health.
Reply Wed 21 Jul, 2010 10:32 am
Thanku jw - I'm sure he will be. I will posivibe for your sister along with posivibing for FQ's FIL - he's being operated on tomorrow - big open heart surgery and taking the vein from his leg - and ... well, ya know, thoughts and prayers for your sis and FQ-FIL... it's truly amazing what these surgeons can do - my MaMa had a triple bypass a few years back and it really did give her a new lease on life. ((((jw and sis)))) love to you jw. x Our BEAgle is living proof of how this surgery can change your life. Blessed are those surgeons hands methinks.

Thoughts to all - including PaPaBabbling and our Brooklyn. xx

0 Replies
Reply Wed 21 Jul, 2010 11:25 am
Thinking of the crew and their crews.
Reply Wed 21 Jul, 2010 12:17 pm
thinking of Cav/ Paul when he told me that he did NOT like Canadian Geese. Smile

They flew in V formation over the Intracostal once.

For all who have problems with health, and a match for Izzie's Les Miz

0 Replies
Barry The Mod
Reply Thu 22 Jul, 2010 02:59 am
Morning crew.Ohhhhhhh what a night!!!!! Started work as normal at 21:00.Looked like a quietish night.Settled into the usual routine,counting away the hours untill i got a SMS text message on my cellphone.My Grand Daughter Ashlee had gone into labour at midnight and was en route to the hospital.From then on i was on tenterhooks with no thought at all about the work i was supposed to have ready for the morning deliveries.I was sending texts and making calls for ages.Then,i got the best phone call ever.It was from my daughter Sarah (Small) telling me that Kaleb arrived at 03:30,weighing in at 6lbs and 15ozs,and Mother and baby were fine and doing well (Captain,pass the tissues!).So,there you go,from now on it's Great Granddad Barry,who is a VERY happy bunny.Here's a first pic,hopefully with more to follow....
Reply Thu 22 Jul, 2010 03:26 am
@Barry The Mod,
Wonderful news Harbourmaster, my heartiest congratulations on becoming a Great Granddad, nice to know mother and baby are doing well. Boss should give you a day off to visit the new arrival. Smile
0 Replies
Reply Thu 22 Jul, 2010 07:51 am
Great Grandaddy Barry - my oh my! What a sweet little face with that adorable little chin dimple and big strong looking hands! I am proud for ya! Enjoy that little bundle, sweetie.

I am so glad that I jumped on the ship. I did not know this was surgery day for FQ's FIL. Will be looking for good news, so ya'll may have to put up with me being onboard today! I will tippie toe around and try and be quiet!

Wandel - Prayers for your sister also. Let us know how things go. It is amazing what doctors can do these days. Best wishes for all of your family.

Izz - Glad that your PaPa got some decent news with his echo. Hugs to him and you. There's just somethin' special about them PaPa's! I don't envy you the work of taking that wallpaper down. Reminds me of a friend of mine who had the same thing happen. We worked on taking her wallpaper off, only to find that the walls were not in such good shape underneath all that. So we ended up mudding and sanding. Neither of us had ever done that before - but hey - nuttin' we couldn't do, right? Ha! Actually, it didn't look so bad; however, she has a picture of me sitting on her floor covered in white dust, NOT lookin' so good! At least now I know what I will look like with white hair someday!

Missy, Dutchy, and the rest of the crew - May your day be filled with peace and love.


Reply Thu 22 Jul, 2010 08:59 am
Barry is a great-grandfather! I am still waiting to be an ordinary grandfather.

Anyway, my sister's surgery was a success. She is in some post-surgery pain right now, but otherwise doing very well.
Reply Thu 22 Jul, 2010 10:57 am
Thank God! I'm glad to hear it! (((((wandel))))

0 Replies
Reply Thu 22 Jul, 2010 11:30 am
@Barry The Mod,
Congratulations! time to celebrate Drunk Laughing
0 Replies
Reply Thu 22 Jul, 2010 11:31 am
@Barry The Mod,

Barry, delighted for you - can hardly believe you are a GREAT GRANDAD and SMALL is a GRANDMA - fantastic news... just fantastic... <passes tissues>



we'll celebrate with this


next week Razz

(oh, and the screechy msg on the dog and bone is me... think you'll have worked that out - WAKEEEEEEE UPPPPPPP!)

jw - so pleased that sis has come through the op - sending her healing wishes from across the pond and hoping she will have a very quick recovery (((((((jw and sis))))))))

FQ FIL went down to surgery at 2.30pm - he's not expected back until 8-9ish pm - so, waiting on the call on K-bro MaMa. K-bro will be in Devon tomorrow - they are in the air as I write Shocked Wink

Babbling -so good to see you gal! How's it going with you - did you get your results yet??? All love to you and the family (((((Babblings))))) and Happy Birthday to NOAH for yesterday.... gosh.... amazing... can you believe the time has gone so quickly...


Ha - my walls look terrible - but the base coat is on - now I will have to put the proper paint on and hope for the best - heh - I've finally made the house mine - first decorating in 2 years - Bodge Jobs R Us Embarrassed Mr. Green (I tried... so, that's coco) Razz

((Letty)) - yes, a day can make all the difference and oh, how I love Jamie - thank you for that. x

Missy - know you'll be up to your eyes in work and kidz - sending you big hugs and all love - so wish we lived closer ((Missy)) xxxxx

Bethie - hoping all is good with you - we've had thunder boomers thisavo which set the dawgs off barking - they go berserk! hugs xxx

BEAgle - how's you today - all well and good Down Under? ((D))

MaMaVerby - thinking of you and hoping that you have found a place - not sure if you are able to get online at all so I will keep posivibing for you and hoping you will let us know you're alright when you're able to ((((((MaMaVerby))))))))

(((Blue))) you xox x

So lovely to see everyone on board - hoping to spend a little more time on the deck now that work is done - SCHOOL's OUT FOR THE SUMMER

and I'm feeling like a muppet - been sleeping - knackered!

Tulip - thanks for having S-boy... phoning you now.... ring ring...
Reply Thu 22 Jul, 2010 01:00 pm
Barrryyyy congrats Smile...i knw..its just not enuf Smile))..r u super glad?? or r u a tad sad Wink))) "GREAT..GRAND DAD" sure makes u feel old ryte ;P..LOL im reminded of a scene from a movie! forgt the name....wil fetch latrzz
BABBBLING GIRL!!! happy birthday!! !!
im sure ull b pampered to the core today...u lovely one! post sme pics if u got a 'new' d-day dress.
izziiiee wil pm ye...now..and mail u soon
we have shifted!!! to another house within blore...they charged us a bomb in th form of advance! 1 lakh rs! phewwwww!
its small..has no cupboards and is constructed in a most stupid fashion...but gotta roof above ..so in a way RELEIVED
house was a mess..yuck yuck yuck!!!!
went to office..came back at 2.30..packed, placed and shoved away things...broomed and scrubbed the floor..washed th piling clothes..some in the machine..some by hand..and most importantly..all ths inbetwen th recurring wails of my 8-month old boss..i gotta sit when he feels like..and walk with him in my arms when he wishes..so all of it was granted by the genie me...and now..ammmmmm damnnn tired..
i deserve a breezer...dont i? Sad settling with oatmeal cookies and michael crichton for teh night! it almost 1am so i better call it a day!!!!
gooooooooooooood niiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiite crew...
Reply Thu 22 Jul, 2010 07:44 pm
@Barry The Mod,
Congratulations Barry! So great. He is adorable. I do love me some babies though.

So glad to hear your sister is doing well Wandel. Thoughts and prayers will be with her through her recovery.

Yep Iz - so busy. Hard stuff, good stuff, funny stuff, and stuff that is annoying...the stuff that life is made of. But time...well - it's dear now. I can't even get my thoughts straight for a couple of hours after I get home. I miss getting to play. ((Izzie)) love you girl.

I will probably post a million times...trying to catch up with all of the news and recognize it all!
0 Replies
Reply Thu 22 Jul, 2010 07:46 pm
Hey sweet girl! ((Brooke))
Good to see you!

Thoughts and prayers are with FQ's FIL as well.

One of my dear friends lost her father the day before yesterday. Breaks my heart for her. I am going to the funeral tomorrow. Makes you want to appreciate what you have while you have it.
0 Replies
Reply Thu 22 Jul, 2010 07:48 pm
Hey girly...you have a lot on your plate right now don't you? One thing at a time. The book and drink sound good to me! I think I am going to be calling a night early tonight. I have been hitting the skids at work around 3:00pm - the eyes start closing on their own...not so good. Wink Take care of yourself hun.

((Dutchy)) Hey sweet man.

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