Reply Mon 12 Jul, 2010 02:43 pm
Morning Captain and crew the Bosun has a busy week ahead learning a host of new things, finished day one and starting Tuesday very shortly.

Stormy, you're only a spring chicken, enjoy the day with the kids. I'm keeping my fingers crossed for N. and his baseball. RedSox need new blood. ;

Good to see tryagain around the traps, what brings you to town blueboy? Could it be a date with one of our lovely ladies?

Cheers until tomorrow.
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Reply Tue 13 Jul, 2010 02:08 am

It's gone quiet. I don't like it. The drums've stopped.
0 Replies
Reply Tue 13 Jul, 2010 02:47 am
I think I have missed some birthdays! If I have then sorry - Many happy belated one's!

Been up early Fboy gone to London to the Imperial War Museum, then took dogs for a walk , took Sgirl to Work Experience, now cleaning, well supposed to be! Stopped to check posts.

Rain and dull here!

Did I hear someone has the Wii fit, great fun and no Iz I am not that good! But give it a go! You know me give anything ago!

Well best go do a few things, keep well all X
Reply Tue 13 Jul, 2010 06:39 am
Hi annis, nice to see you, your weather same as ours. Fboy will enjoy his visit to the Imperial War Museum, I know I did, during my last visit to London, very impressed. Waves from downunder,
Reply Tue 13 Jul, 2010 07:16 am
Thanks for the b-day wishes for the kiddos. Yes Izzie, it's 'experienced' that I'm feeling....not OLD! Laughing

N's team won their first tournament game 17-9. He pitched 2 innings. Not his most stellar job last night, but with the help of 3 other pitchers ( they all struggled last night) they pulled a good game off. Like I tell N all the time..it's a TEAM sport...working together is the key. Another game tonight, keep the positive vibes flowing.
Reply Tue 13 Jul, 2010 08:36 am
Stormwatch wrote:

... it's 'experienced' that I'm feeling....not OLD! Laughing

that's the girl Razz Well done your N-boy and team - keeping the posivibes going! Hope H-girl had a great celebration last night. x

Ha - POMcT - beware the drums Shocked


talking of which - Tulip - how's ya hands!?????? ooooooh, loved S-girls henna - you should post a pic - beautiful!

(BEAgle) - hope you're doing good there - have a big sleep and see you in the morning Very Happy x

((Missy)) - enjoy work today girlie - hugs and love x

((Blue)) x xox

Afternoon all - been busy busy busy working ... and tarred

gonna have a rest so hopefully back laterzzzzzzzzzzzz

0 Replies
Reply Tue 13 Jul, 2010 02:28 pm
My new grandson was born yesterday (July 12)
He was taken by c-section, and wasnt due till Aug 7.
His name is Alex, and he weighed 4 pounds 12 ounces and is 19 inches long.




Mother and baby are both doing fine.
Reply Tue 13 Jul, 2010 03:06 pm
Congratulations with the birth of Alex mysteryman. Splitting image of yourself on that photograph. Laughing Is that your first grandson? Enjoy him while you can, they grow up so fast. I speak from experience, I have three.
Reply Tue 13 Jul, 2010 11:51 pm
congrats mysteryman Smile thats a cute advice from dutchy...i knw its true..coz 8 months of my own..went in a flash Smile
Barry The Mod
Reply Wed 14 Jul, 2010 12:15 am
What a lovely little fella MM.The fun,for you,begins now.I love being a Grandad! Give him some gentle hugs from the crew.
0 Replies
Reply Wed 14 Jul, 2010 07:41 am
This is my second grandchild, both of them boys.
But for some reason I was looking forward to this one more then I was the first one.
Conner, the first grandson, is 17 months old and growing like a weed,and getting into everything.

But I love them both, and am looking forward to the time I can play with this one also.
0 Replies
Reply Wed 14 Jul, 2010 09:57 am
mysteryman wrote:

My new grandson was born yesterday (July 12)
He was taken by c-section, and wasnt due till Aug 7.
His name is Alex, and he weighed 4 pounds 12 ounces and is 19 inches long.




Mother and baby are both doing fine.

ooooooooooooooh... look at your little g-kidAlex - how happy is that - such a tiny wee fella



Wonderful news Very Happy xx

Bazza - can't be long now 'til 1 of 4 has your great-grandkidlet - couple weeks a??????????????? how exciting for the family. See ya soon Very Happy x

((BEAgle)) - hope you're having a big sleep after the last few days - love and hugs D. x
0 Replies
Reply Wed 14 Jul, 2010 09:58 am
Hey MaMaVerby - how are ya girlie? We still haven't managed to catch up - do email me hun, I'll be here. (((((((((((((Vegemite))))))))))) xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

(oooooooooh, this time in a month Bazza will be in India - yayayayayayay Razz )
Reply Wed 14 Jul, 2010 03:21 pm

Hey Bazza, did you see the programmes on More4 about Indian Railways presented by John Sergeant?
They're very good. I saw the one last night, and I recorded tonight's to see later.
0 Replies
Reply Thu 15 Jul, 2010 06:25 am
Ah, M.M. that tiny thing is so beautiful. Love to look at little folks. Reminds me of my own.

Mctag. SMORGS is back and is asking about you.
Reply Thu 15 Jul, 2010 07:06 am

Thank you, Miss Letty. Damned elusive, that Smorgs.

Bazza too. I think he works difficult shifts.
0 Replies
Reply Thu 15 Jul, 2010 10:07 am
Great baby photo's what a cutie! congratulations!

Oh rain, rain and more rain oh and wind!!

Well it is my son's birthday he is officially a teenager! Argh! He has had a lovely day out with school and I am now cooking a birthday tea!

Keep safe all X
Reply Thu 15 Jul, 2010 04:44 pm
So many birthdays this month! Happy Happy Birthday!

MM - precious baby. Congratulations!

Just stopping in to say hello and I am thinking about you.
hugs to you all!
0 Replies
Reply Thu 15 Jul, 2010 05:26 pm
Hi annis, congratulations on your sons birtday, hope you all have a lovely time, that birthday tea sounds delicious.

Greetings to a busy mismi too, nice to catch up.

Wondering where the Captain is, you ok princess?

Last day of my appointments today and tomorrow I'll be a free man able to go wherever I want to!

0 Replies
Barry The Mod
Reply Fri 16 Jul, 2010 02:06 am
Hey crew,lotsa baby stuff goin' on Very Happy .
Captain,1 of 4 tells me that the head has engaged so.............not long now until the birth of my Great Grandson Kaleb.
annis....see you at the end of the month.Acouta matata Wink .
McTag,saw the progs advertised but due to working hours will have to catch up on C4's 4oD player over the week-end.
mismi,how's your IT boyfriend? Sounds like he's got a rare sense of humor Cool .
Stuff to do and,as always,not enough time to do it in,sooooooooooooooo laters crew.Hope your week-end is gonna be better than mine.

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