I'm here now!!!!
(waves to Intrepid)
patiodog wrote:dlowan wrote:username wrote:only if they're alcoholic, not ectoplasmic.
I eschew ectoplasm.
Understandable, it's very eschewy.
That is SUCH a horrible image.
Oh goddess, a vomitorium, my Queendom for a vomitorium!
Rockhead wrote:I'm in, but I don't want a damn pink T-shirt....
Got any in black?

Don't worry, Rockhead. Haven't you heard? REAL men wear pink.
Come to Kansas and say that REAL loud..... :wink:
dagmaraka wrote:And everybody gets a t-shirt. Here:

Will mine have bumps like that?
nevermind I dont need one
Here... you boys have a bumper sticker at least... when you got no bumpers... (

and some latest popular heathen fashion:
Do you know what those people have in common, dag? They all met through a Christian dating service. See how happy they are.
You could be one of them, dag. You could pick up your rosary and see the light.
Do you know why Christians don't have sex standing up?
It could lead to dancing.
gus, i barely survived communism. i don't think i'd make it through the first communion.
Dasha, I am worried. Every definition I read says that heathens are those who do not believe in Christianity, Judaism, or Islam. There seems to be a consensus that heathens worship their own gods. The part where we might be un-affiliated with any gods seems to be added to the definitions as an after thought. Maybe there is another word I can use...... I'll go look up animist..... mmmm, no, that doesn't work either.
Atheism is such a trite word.
I don't think heathens worry to much about gods. We just need a horn of cornucopia or some such device to drink red wine from. Then we all have sex with the high priestesses.
Possibly a sword of Damaclese as well.
George wrote:How 'bout Nebulism?
Could you explain?
I think I'm an American Transcendentalist. But, that's cumbersome.
Main Entry:
Inflected Form(s):
plural heathens or heathen
before 12th century
1 : an unconverted member of a people or nation that does not acknowledge the God of the Bible
2 : an uncivilized or irreligious person
i'm with #2. Heathens COULD have their own silly beliefs, but they also comprise those that simply have no gods or care about religion whatsoever.... it's simply those that are not "us", christians.