Quote:So how does the existence of a human civilization (cities, settlements, etc in a given mountainous geographic area) prove that the mountains they lived in were millions of years old instead of much younger?
Well, the tectonic features associated with mountain building are much older than the civilizations because the civilizations occur in relatively undisturbed areas above these fault zones
1Faults associated with mountain building are older than the civilizations above
Youve insisted (by etension of your argument) that the mountains are POST FLOOD
2If flood occured 6000yBP, then mountains are younger (according to you)
Now, lets take one of these civilizations. The Inca. Their civilizations along with the Moche, lie in "Post Flood "Andes mountains
3The Inca civilization extends into fairly recent historical time dont you agree?, so the necessary work of the mountain raising would have to be startlingly quick no? Howcome theres no reports by the Spaniards or Inca legends of entire mountain ranges appearing out of nowhere , or massive fult bounded foldbelt coming ashore and colliding with mountain forelands ? Howcome civilizations came and went inrelative safety from tectonism of a scale you wish to invoke?(Earthquakes are rare though cyclic occurences), In Inca Quippus they record only several earthquakes from the time of the Moche to the end of the Inca Empire (Thats over 1500 years). (Its not like there was continuous evidence of noticeable mountain building at such superfast rates)
All this is what your "revised ", argument re: fossils in oceanic sediment at the tops of mountains , implies.
The standard tectonic models show that magnetic data, radiological data, sedimentary age data, structural data, stratigraphy, geomorphology, all coalesce to form a story that mountain building varies in ages from 60 to leass than 6 million years BP (for widely separated mountain ranges). AND, no evidence of a worldwide flood exists in any of these highlands.
The structural evidence (tear folds, compressionally formed minerals, faults and displacement of sedimentary beds) all show that the sea floor sediments were raised and then deformed over periods of time in the tens of millions of years , not thousands as you say.
SO youve worked yourself into a dillemma of proportions , and you dont even seem to be aware of it.