Fri 1 Feb, 2008 06:20 pm
I bought a house a couple of years ago that is a bit of a lemon. I'm not a neophyte housebuyer, and have been fantastically fortunate in my choices, with or without mate, for decades, not speaking of money but re the nature of the house. Even my studios have been in interesting places. I've remodelled sucessfully something like seven places. Now I'm just waiting for this one to tilt 45 degrees and then I can say, "see, I told you it was a lemon".
Today I'll tell you about the non-master bathroom toilet. I'll save the master bath for another episode.
In all my other housing and studio adventures, I had salary coming in, and, if not money in the bank, credit room within reason. This time I'm impecunious and more careful re expense than I was before, and I've always been careful.
Is that enough of a lead in to the toilet saga? You don't need to know about the 400+ pound guy and the plastic drain in the master bath?
Ok, then.........
Despite the jolly review by the fool inspector, not everything worked right upon my move into the house. The toilet in the minor bathroom was crudded up with lime and flushed poorly so I wanted it out. I could live with the one in the master bath.
The fellow whom folks knew here and was licensed and seemed amenable and that I hired to tear off the gawdawful trellis appenditure to the garage and tile my floors... installed, with his helper, the new toilet, a particularly small and ugly little thing that I had purchased as the now obsolete distance from wall mattered re fitting. Low flush, no plush. I gather there are adaptors re the hole position (fill in your own joke), but a larger toilet would leave little clearance for stepping into the shower.
It flushed ok that day, if not, y'know, like the toilets at the airport. Plus, I was catching on that I might have bought into a low water pressure site, and other tangential considerations.
It didn't flush okay after that first day. Slow city. But, I figured it was a small toilet and extremely low flow and had other millet to grind, that is, after I tried plungers and bought and tried a snake.
At some point when not many hours had passed, I stopped dealing with that and just used the master toilet. This was just past the end of the contractor's time, and other stuff was going on in all our lives. I let a little time go by.*
And in a little more while, I talked to the contractor and he said it could be this or that or that, and it was likely the yellow ring plugging it and they'd just fix it for free, soon.
A year went by, I got used to the situation. My just getting used to it has to do with finances, not my savvy.
Meantime, the contractor and the helper split up and helper went out on his own. Helper was over at Dys and Diane's the other day, and Dys mentioned My Weak Toilet to the previous helper, now guy on his own, and he said he'd fix it no charge if they'd messed up. (I always liked him.)
So he dropped by today. Took the toilet off and found a conglomeration of impacted toilet paper in the drain. (Not from me, I hardly used it.) He didn't have a snake. Ah, but I did. He snaked, and, in time, water flowed. He thought he should be sure, maybe use one of those things with spiral teeth, which he needed to buy anyway.
We tossed that back and forth and I threw a wrench into it - a wrench my brother in law purchased back when he was visiting and helping me in California, one humongous wrench, and left with me, as I presume he had another back home.
So, he went over to Home Deposit to look at whatever they call those gnawing snakes, and came back saying, it's got to be in the toilet, he had talked to people there.
Spent another while, and I hear, JO!!!!!,
and there we have it -
A child's plastic screwdriver. Yellow. Was in the U-tube of the toilet.
But wait. I bought the toilet new from Home Depot. And, past that, no child, alas, has been in my house. I don't even know any children here in Abq, although there is a recent neighbor with a couple of girls, a year past my clogup, lest they be suspected of breaking and entering.
My surmise - I bought a repacked and returned toilet, which didn't work for someone - but I bought it as new. Someone who had a child, probably a young son.... whose toilet suddenly didn't work and he returned it.
I can't complain to Home Depot now - I am not returning the toilet which, after a year or more now works, and I didn't photo the original box, which must have been taped instead of pristine.
I did get the offending plastic yellow screwdriver. I may have to work up some kind of art sculpture from it...
*I have been in a position to have people not be paid for serious projects on my ok, and utilized that to have jobs torn out, or partially torn out. But in private life, I am just another schlemiel, or schlemielessa.
In my business I encounter lots of toilets that don't work well. I can empathise. I once had one which I knew had a clog in the line not far below the toilet. It would back up so badly, water rose in the bathtub. The resident had been aware of this, but said nothing. Our first clue came after the downstair apartment's ceiling caved in. The plumber came and worked on it a bit and pronounced it fit. Next day, same problem. The plumber accused the resident of throwing Q-Tips and the like in it. I insisted it had a clog in the line. THe owner of the company came out with a "master plumber' and then told me to buy a new toilet and the problem would go away. The new toilet did not help. "It's a clog," I insisted. He went ballitic. "If there were a clog, the toilet on the other side of the wall would not flush, since both empty into the same line." I was adamant. "Clog," I said. He sent a man with a camera and the man sent it into the line. Sure enough, we saw a clog, one that blocked just half of the pipe, alowing the toilet in the adjoining apartment to flush normally. It took about a month and a half to get this resolved.
really wishing you had your digicam on the go (or did I hallucinate you having a digicam in your life?)
Ode to the great clog in the sky
Kid's toys in the toilet P-trap,
Means no joy from all that clogged-up crap.
Push down that 'ol drain snake now,
Milk that toilet like a cow!
Poetic license runs a'muck......
I do have a digicam charging as we speak. And I'm not bad with a nikon, though I've too much to go through as it is, re the nikon and its predecessors, much less add more.
I need like an hour of practice re the digi, but put it off, ms. perverse.
Enjoy the space, as once I get posting re both my scanner and digicam I'll be protophoto obnoxious.
Can't wait for the onset of photo obnoxiousness!
Great story at any rate... glad it has a happy ending. (Plus you now seem to know a good handy-guy...)
I'd have more humor about the toilet
if I bought it Used from the outlette.
I do think a little ream of returned goods
useful for the business re promotional shoulds.
I have had several occasions to think I had paid full price for merchandise returned for defects. I'm starting to examine the packaging more carefully. I just don't want anything in a box that looks like it has been opened.
I'll agree with you cheerfully now, Roger.
Oh, and I took the child's plastic screwdriver out of the bag and of course washed it and my fingers. It's not yellow, it's orange.
I'd be having a fitmobile except that much time has passed and I'm keeping the stupid toilet. What's left but art or literature?
Obviously you have a rather sulky, indolent poltergeist.
The etherial brat isn't up to rattling and banging, just slow, soul-sapping sabotage.
Home Depot has everything, everything for years and years and years stored on their computer. If you can find a sympathetic soul willing to do a bit of research....
That won't help with your poltergeist, though.