Looks like I'll have to stick around home to wait for FEDEX to pick up my VISA applications for the Middle East trip in May, so I'll try to finish posting my pictures today.

Our hotel, the Royal Sea Cliff Resort, a few miles away from Kona's downtown.

Our "living" quarters. They have wireless hotspot in the lobby area on the 5th floor, and we were on the 7th floor with an ocean view.

Our ocean view.

Sglass treated us to lunch at this marina restaurant. The Yitwails joined us as we finished.
Yitwail recommended some places up on the north shore where we should visit, so that's what we did to look for humpbacks and turtles.

Turtlees at the first beach.

The second beach area.

Shops at Kona. We had dinner at the Kona Inn restaurant; Sglass, her friend Charlotte, the Yitwails, and mr and mrs ci. Thanks for the treat, Sglass.

The lobby of the restaurant.

The "official" a2k meet.

The Kona Hard Rock Cafe.
The following day, Sglass, the Mrs, and I drove around the Big Island. Sglass was our tour guide. Our first stop was at the Kona Hotel in Waikoloa Village where Astronaut Unizuka was born and reared. The owner of the hotel that Sglass knows, Mrs Inaba, also knew Unizuka and his family. They have a picture of Unizuka in the hotel "lobby" which was built in the early part of the last century.

South Point: this is the southernmost point of the US.

This "dummy" jumped off the cliff - about 100 feet down - and climbed back up a small steel ladder.

The windmills at South Point.

Black sand beach. They also have a green sand beach on the Big Island.

The Volcano Art Center: many paintings and crafts made locally for sale.

Kilauea Caldera in the Volcanoes National Park.

The Jagger Museum has seismograph instruments, how they measure the surface levels before and after eruptions, and other info about the ages of these volcanos. The Big Island is the youngest of the Hawaiian Islands.

Big Island Candy Factory and Store: our friends told us not to miss this store. They gave us samples as we walked into the store, and they were really delicious! We walked out with several packages of cookies and candies.

Downtown Hilo: Sglass' home town. We had dinner here, because we missed lunch from the long drive and no place to eat.

A Scenic Drive spot where Sglass directed us to.
It was a full day of driving and site seeing.