Quote:Your understanding of this subject is abysmal. Why don't you actually study it before you try to discredit it?
Why do you think GPS satellites have software that accounts for time dilation if it's a load of nonsense?
Listen, the hardware used to update the incorrect data received from the clocks in outer space is based in trial and error observations and later calculations.
This is to say,
when the clocks were sent to outer space nobody had the minimum idea of how much will be the difference between data of clocks on ground zero with clocks in outer space.
After observing the regular rate of incorrect data, a receiver with the hardware was built in order to update the data from atomic clocks in outer space.
If by any chance, you believe or think that the incorrect data from atomic clocks in outer space was already calculated in advance before sending those clocks to outer space, ha ha ha ha, then no doubt that you have been deceived... those relativists made you an idiot... ha ha ha ha...