Quote:time dilation is not presently a theory and it may not ever become oneuntil some unassailed evidence or experiment verifies it. Thats not the case for "TD". All the experiments (except maybe Michelson-Morley, and Muon decay) have had "Pop sci myth"
associated with them
Time dilatation belongs to the fantasy called theory of relativity.
So, you accept that fantasy as if the lunacies of Einstein were science.
For your information, in 1922, the givers of the Nobel Prize of physics, not only denied giving another Nobel Prize to Einstein because the relativity theory -and they were pleased of not giving such an honor to this lunatic- because they found out after a review of the theory, that the theory of relativity is not science but philosophy, and in their opinion, "poor philosophy".
So, we have one of your theories found out as poor philosophy.
For this reason, you can't show evidence that time exists, that time dilates.
Wake up and live reality.
Quote:Demanding asshole arent you. Why not do some prsonal study and stop being such a clown.
Why should I waste time explaining anything more complex than how to boil water with you. Your mind is permanently closed and you dont even have the unerstaning to ask an intelligent question
I can see that you are insulting rather rthan giving the explanation with solid evidence, of a primeval single cell becoming a human being according to your theory of evolution.
And this lack of knowledge to answer my question is because that theory of evolution is neither a theory, it is just a stupid thought created by philosophers like Kant, who believed that humans come from chimpanzees and orangutans.
Here, we have that there is not a single solid evidence and explanation of how human beings came to be, so the theory of evolution is av good for nothing theory because can't explain the process.
Quote:see what I mean?....
I fully admit my ignorance. Thats why I pursue my research so I can become less "ignoranter"
All I know is Im waay more informed than you.So when you let a teeny bit of light into what grows for a brain in that skull of yours, perhaps youll begin to understand the development of evidence into theories.
Yes, you are an ignorant, and there is a big chance to include your foolish status.
You have been deceived, because such idea of having a super dense microscopic particle from where the whole matter of the universe will come to be, like galaxies, stars, planets, etc... such is a complete stupidity.
I challenge you and any other ignorant and fool to compare the biblical genesis with the scientific genesis.
Surely the biblical genesis is more "scientific" that the big bang fantasy.
You have failed miserably in answering my questions.
Quote:1. What is the Biblical age of the earth? and how did yu reach this conclusion. Is there someone who first provided your conclusion? and about when was it determined?
The bible doesn't mention the age of the earth.
As there is no mention of the age of the earth in the bible, people have the option to make conjectures, and people are free to say that the earth can be billions of years old or six thousand years old.
Nobody can confirm with solid evidence whatever age people can give to planet earth.
Honest people will answer this question with the "no one knows" phase.
If you lean on one side and try to impose the idea that the earth is such and such billions years old, then you are a sure fool, because you have no evidence to back up your futile imaginations.