Wed 9 Jan, 2008 06:58 pm
As part of compulsory education,
shud children have training in proficient and safe firearms handling ?
( along with fonetic spelling ) ?
I 'm thinking training with pistols, revolvers,
lite rifles and lite submachineguns ?
Maybe the little 9mm H & K MP 5 KA4
or the new tiny 4.6mm H & K MP 7 ? ( that must have slight recoil )
Restore competitive gunnery teams, between schools ?
Award extra vacation days from school for the winners ?
I think this 'd be good for safety
and make school more fun.
Every child should be turned loose with two hand grenades and a street sweeper after only four lessons. They should be directed to David's yard.
OmSigDAVID wrote:As part of compulsory education,
shud children have training in proficient and safe firearms handling ?
( along with fonetic spelling ) ?
So what mental institution are you posting from?
edgarblythe wrote:Every child should be turned loose with two hand grenades and a street sweeper after only four lessons.
They should be directed to David's yard.
Is that because he has 2 hands ?
What is your avatar, Ed ?
My avatar is a 1929 Dodge Victory Six, a photo of the actual family car when I was five through seven years old.
Dave, you are a bright guy.
You can do better than this.....
edgarblythe wrote:My avatar is a 1929 Dodge Victory Six, a photo of the actual family car when I was five through seven years old.
Nice; fills me with nostalgia.
One can only hope....No more spaceship stuff, OK....
I read it, but I don't believe it.
I hope they don't let David out by himself.
In the neiborhood I grew up in the kids had VOLUNTARY as an extra curricular activity.
I don't know if it made school more fun but it sure a s hell made it more interesting.
And it cut down on the gang population. They were dropping like flies.
Every once and awhile we would lose an honor student but what the hell.
Amigo wrote:Quote:In the neiborhood I grew up in the kids had VOLUNTARY as an extra curricular activity.
I don't know if it made school more fun but it sure a s hell made it more interesting.
And it cut down on the gang population. They were dropping like flies.
Every once and awhile we would lose an honor student but what the hell.
Ok, Seriously~~~~~~~~ROTF
Intrepid wrote:I read it, but I don't believe it.
I hope they don't let David out by himself.
Well u think maybe Kindergarten is a little too young ?
How do u feel about starting with defensive bayonette warfare ?
Rockhead wrote:One can only hope....No more spaceship stuff, OK....
U don 't wanna explore outer space ?
The Earth is Man 's cradle; it shud not be his grave.
OmSigDAVID wrote:Rockhead wrote:One can only hope....No more spaceship stuff, OK....
U don 't wanna explore outer space ?
The Earth is Man 's cradle; it shud not be his grave.
....another good and valid reason not to have guns
What I whole heartedly endorse is students being taught the Rules of Firearm Safety. Starting especially with the First Two Rules:
1. Every firearm is loaded unless you have personally checked and found that it is not loaded, and
2. Never point any firearm, loaded or unloaded, at anything you do not intend on destroying.
Every so often I read about a case where one kid kills another with a firearm "I didn't know was loaded". I'd like every student in the country to memorise these first two rules, just like they currently have to memorise the "three times tables" and The Gettysburg Address".
By the way, I see nothing wrong with kids being given properly supervised instruction with .22 single shot bolt action rifles. This can come in handy when you're attacked by massed waves of man eating tin cans.
Every child should be trained as soon as they are curious - at home. I do think the schools should do their part as well. I'm sure they'd find firearms training would capture the interest of students much more than teaching a 7th grader to put a condom on a banana.
There is always ASP (Achery in Schools Program). It's very successful nationwide, quite popular.