fresco wrote:The concept of "one's own views" is itself a focal issue for the system described here. In that sense they are not "flawed" but subject to deconstruction in terms of "functional adaptation". It is this meta-analysis which attracts the label "an advance".
And it is the basis of the "meta-analysis" i was asking about. I find the concept of a "meta-analysis" suspect, for the reasons i gave, and which Joe refers to as "privileged position." I wasn't attacking you, i was asking you if you could explain why such a "meta-analysis" is not subjected to the same objections based on functionality as would be claims about reality from "one's own view[point]." I would also note that it sounds rather hypocritical to refer to Einsteins observation about the "persistence" of "reality," but to dismiss people who continually, successfully employ a functional concept of reality as "naive realists." It sounds a good deal to me like self-serving remarks by philosophers, and without reference to the current sense of quantum physics.
Once again, i'm not accusing you of anything, i'm asking as much as i am stating. Note the use of the verb "to sound" in the last two sentences of the previous paragraph.