Interesting stuff. I'm still in the process of pondering terms like "structural coupling" and "autopoiesis" so I have a bit of a loose analogy in mind, it may be off base but the 1st question is, are you familiar at all with peer-to-peer (p2p) systems in networking as opposed to client-server (CS) models?
So in the CS model we have entities with fixed roles and functions in the relationship, clients, requesters of information and servers, providers of it. In the p2p model we have a set of peers who are, in a pure p2p, decentralised and who switch between being requesters and providers depending on the interaction. So the identity is defined in the changing relationships/interactions that take place dynamically.
So then I wonder with regards to this internal/external distinction if you might, from a p2p point of view in say a file transfer, see the internal and external as being the current state that peer x has in terms of this file distribution (internal) and the stimuli of another peer as external. In this context the distinction does seem to fall away because the internal of peer x is based on it's dynamic relations with all the other peers and
their internal structure and the stimuli from another peer is based on this same dynamic interplay.
Also, I read on wikipedia from Maturana & Varela, which partly inspired by thinking about this:
Quote:...components exist by specifying the topological domain of its realization as such a network
On a side note, it's interesting to me that if you had say a file transfer of some sort with a
fixed set of peers and you looked at the system from a more holistic perspective, you would see a movement towards completeness as each peer dragged the other up "by the bootstraps" * however, with a non fixed, dynamic and ever changing set of peers completeness loses it's meaning.
By the way, many people I speak to regarding terms like the ineffable void have such negative conotations surrounding them, like isolation, seperation, darkness etc etc, nothing could be further from the truth in my mind and it has always seemed such negative ideas presuppose an "I" to
be in each of those "states" which totally contrasts against the very nature of void! Maybe more of an S&R forum point though.
* I haven't mentioned how such files or things might intially be introduced into the p2p and the nature of "seeders" and "leeches" but I think the general points stand.