Fri 28 Dec, 2007 08:34 pm
"In kindergarten, everyone thought I was weird and nobody wanted to be my friend." so said Mo's friend "Adam" today.
"I understand" said me.
Been there. Done that.
Mo has a new friend. This is big. Making friends is one of the biggest things we deal with in Mo's threapy.
Mo's friend has a story not too unlike Mo's own story: abuse, abandonment, blahblahblah, adoption, blahblahblah.
Adam was at the house today and he told Mo "I really love you" and Mo replied "I really love you too."
Do these "damaged" kids sniff each other out, or what?
Just curious......
I'm beginning to suspect so...
Nah, they're just have found some common ground, and it's "cool".
My daughter immediately tells me when she finds out that one of
her classmates/friends is adopted as well. It gives her more sense
of normality, I guess, and I assume it's the same with Mo and Adam.
I didn't know your daughter was adopted, Jane. You two look remarkably alike.
Are you sure you didn't have her a while back, lose her, forget about her, and then, miraculously, adopt her and end up back at square one?
This would make a great movie.
Yeah, I would not have gone through the grueling adoption process otherwise, gustav.
She does look like me - fate, I guess. She loves when people comment
how much she looks like me, and frankly, a biological child couldn't be
any better than her.
Ok, enough of that. I do not want to derail another boomer thread.
Back to the subject at hand.
Yeah, I think so Boomer. Like when I was a kid, we were, what some would consider poor and you'd never see me with the rich kids. Not because I had anything against them, but I tended to want to be more around kids that grew up more like me.
We moved five times when my sons were in elementary school. One was fine. The other was a nerd and had trouble finding mind-mates in most peer groups.
Look how delighted you are when you find a Kindered Mum.
Noddy24 wrote:We moved five times when my sons were in elementary school.
the boys kept finding you Noddy?
I think so to some extent, boomer.
K has always surrounded herself with highly anxious and insecure people. Unfortunately, it means that they tend to ping off of each other, but they're comfortable in pairs. They tend to not get along very well in groups because they all are fairly needed and too many needy people together isn't supportive to the individual.
I'm glad Mo has a new friend.
We live in Adopted Kid Village. Seriously. So many of them are adopted from Florida that it makes me question what is going on in Florida.
Interesting, Montana, about the rich kid/poor kid thing. We're probably considered rich by most standards. Adam's family -- well.... five of them live in a two bedroom house in an area overrun with bars and auto shops. We probably fall at the opposite end of what would be called the middle class spectrum.
So it isn't a money thing.
And it doesn't seem to be a personality thing. Adam is so painfully shy that it almost hurts. When another friend of Mo's came over the other day Adam hid in the bathroom for a while. Mo doesn't have a shy bone in his body.
Adam is very still, Mo is always moving.
They seem an unlikely pair.
And yeah, Noddy, a kindred mum is nice. It's great not having to explain everything.
Hmmmm, that's also interesting Boomer, because I was a very active kid (like Moe) and my best friend was so shy it was unreal.
Funny, she's no longer the shy little girl I use to know and has become more bold than I am today.
Heck, she even goes to the gym now and is asking guys out on dates. I never thought I'd see the day
Opposites attract :-D
Understanding, and compassion attract.
Most of my friends were not like me, but they all understood my issues...
That makes sense Rockhead.
This thread has brought me down memory lane thinking about my relationships with my friends when I was little.
I remember the understanding.
It's the vibe, Boomer. Obviously, Mo and Adam "get" each other, as kindred spirits do. Who can explain it? Why? It's just a mysterious and wonderful thing.
It is! That's wonderful news.
everyone needs a buddy and no more so than when they are little
Yep, I think they sniff each other out. I also think there's a complements attract thing going on here. Mo needs Adam's stillness, Adam needs Mo's motion. I'm so happy for you and Mo.
I'm so happy for Moe too!
May they make awesome memories together :-D