Excellent, excellent, excellent, MAPORSCHE! Especially in the rain the whole way. And you met your goal, well done.
The excitement at the marathon will be
electric (something to keep it mind the first few miles as many runners find themselves running faster than they ever have -- --- -- only to run out of gas at about seventeen miles.
Um. I ran a Half Marathon this morning too.
I was feeling kind of punkish after having a colonoscopy on Friday. (yes, I intend to use it as an excuse, George.. ) I got up too late to eat anything (we had to be at the busses at 4AM) so I ate a Gu Gel just before the race and two others at 6 miles and 9.5 miles. Really made a difference for me. I hope you are experimenting with either GUs or PowerBar Gels in your training runs, I had my doubts about them but now am a believer.
Trotting along through the first seven at about 10:30's, I motored through the ups and downs and twists and turns of this race. Here's the route. Don't hurt your neck trying to follow it:
Then I decided my job was just to get it done and that's what I did. I set my pace to about 12:oo and put one foot down at a time.
2:23:14 (10:56 mile average)
Joe(it was really fun.)Nation