Re: I Feel Lost,Help Me (My View/question on life And so for
mrhunt wrote:First off,I want to say hello to everyone here.
Im a 21 Year old male and i found this site via a google search For "Life is pointless" and Alot of the posts here Seemed To Fit Right in and i must say That i can see myself sticking around for some time......
Well, what do you know? One of the able2know threads turns up at the very top of that search. Learn something new every day.
What Do you Live For? Whats the Reason you get up everyday and Go On? Why bother? Why Bother.....
Okay, let's see if we can throw this depression thing out the door.
Firstly, the above questions can be answered when we address your points of view.
Quote:-> There is no God Or Any higher Force
-> My Life and everyones life is pointless and without meaning
How did you get to the second point? Because I don't see the connection between the existence of God or any higher force and life having no meaning.
Life has a point and a meaning, as long as you make sure you have one. You've got to make your life have a point and a meaning. You could dedicate your life to making other people's lives better. That would become the point to your life and the meaning to your life. Point is, you've got to find one. I really suggest you talk to people about what they do for a living, and it would seem that you've got the same idea.
I for, example, intend to try and get into a good scientific laboratory to further mankind's knowledge. If I work hard enough, I could improve quality life, by identifying yet another target for cancer drugs, or yet another cause for cancer to help people come up with effective lifestyle changes to prevent a certain disease.
You, right, could decide to be a writer. Novelists can come up with wonderful stories that entertain people and lift them up out of boredom, maybe even depression. A seriously good novel can warn of the impending disasters in the future, could inspire a new generation of scientists or inventors and on a selfish note, could grant you a kind of immortality where the memory of your deeds and life will never be forgotten as long as their are human beings to remember you.
Quote:-> I Dont Want To Die Necessarily...but i certainly dont care if i live
You don't want to die. It's painful and at the end, nothing happens. Unless, of course there's an afterlife. But you've only got one life and you've got to get things right. You're 21, for crying out loud. There's still lots of time for you to turn things around.
Quote:-> Everything i Do Is a Failure and I Even When i Accomplish what i want to Do That will end up in failure Too Leading to an endless circle Of Failure.
Frankly, I don't believe you. No one can be a total failure. You must have succeeded at least something in your life, otherwise you wouldn't be here to talk to us. Perhaps it would be best to make a list of all the things you perceived to be a failure, then ask yourself, "did you learn from that experience?"
Even from failure, we can get results. In failure, we learn what doesn't work and from that we are in a better position to figure out what does work.
Quote:->I am extremely Hard and Negative On Myself With extremely Low self esteem
Well, this could explain why you think you've failed at everything you do.
Here's a good exercise.
Make a list of all the things that you think you failed at by first stating exactly what it was you were supposed to do, then state exactly what your result was. Not failure, but how you failed and how you failed to achieve exactly what you were supposed to do.
This list needn't be very long, but every event needs to be very detailed. Look at it carefully, then think "did you learn from that experience?" Will I ever need to do that again? If the answer is yes, then you haven't failed at all. You only fail, if you fail to learn from your failure.
Also, I think you should read this: