Quote:Oh! david... I have no qualms with your posts...
Thank u; very nice of u.
Quote:but for your obsession, for wanting, everybody to own a gun in the USA,
plus, your blindness to any others who have a opposite views,
I am not blind to them.
Quote:your silly arguments
Which ones were " silly " ?
Quote:in trying to prove your obsessional blinkered posts do nothing to help you
I don 't need help for myself.
I 've been fairly well armed since age 8,
quite a few decades ago.
I desire my fellow citizens to be as well taken care of,
and to have a society in America based upon radical self reliance,
rather than upon the collective/state.
I promote radical INDIVIDUALISM, LIBERTARIANISM and HEDONISM as well as I can.
Quote:in other than make one amazed at your dedication to the gun lobby in the USA..
In the exercise of my democratic rights ( see First Amendment US Constitution )
I am an active part of the gun lobby,
and have been for quite a few years. I donate cash to it.
This movement is anti-socialist, and very worthy of support and gratitude
from all real Americans.
By assuring an armed populace,
the Founders
physically put sovereignty into the hands of the citizens.
US Supreme Ct Justice Joseph Story (1811-1845) expressed it:
"The right of the citizens to keep and bear arms has justly been considered
as the Palladium of the liberties of the republic since it offers a strong moral check
against usurpation and arbitrary power of the rulers;
and will generally...enable the people to resist and triumph over them."
His view was adopted by the US Supreme Ct in US v. MILLER (1939) 3O7 US 174
together with that of Judge Thomas Cooley who reiterated that idea, adding:
"The meaning of the provision...is that
the people ...shall have the right to keep and bear arms
and they need no permission or regulation of law for the purpose." [emfasis added by David]
The Constitution no more allows any government to control guns
than to edit the Bible or control who has one.
Maybe u think that sovereignty in the citizens
instead of in government, is "
silly " as u like to put it ?
a groupe, I believe, religiously paid for, by the gun manufacturers,
for a very small minoritys huge profits.
( If u
really BELIEVE that about the " huge profits "
then I am sure that
u r heavily invested in their corporate stock, right, Anton ? )
As a supporter of
l'aissez faire free market capitalism,
I hope that thay
will FLOURISH financially.
The gun industry is very small.
I speak up for FREEDOM and against collectivist docility.
I speak up against government
USURPING prohibited authority
and degenerating, permanently, into a tyranny that allows elections
only so long as it is in the mood for it.
original political theory upon which this republic was founded
was that it 'd be absolutely impossible for government to take over the country
because the citizens were armed to the teeth,
and overwhelmingly stronger than their hireling government.
( see the Federalist Papers )