ul, 36 years of froggie n' clover smooches!
Healing beverages and good thoughts are working, wildlckickers!
Today, Stradee ventured outdoors ~ drove to the post, then three other places in town for a bit of light shopping - then home. Weathers been absolutely georgous the past 10 days - windows opened with fresh mountain air circulating through the house has truly helped also.
Dan, yep - smoking is probably the culprit and i know that if i don't ever begin again {and i won't} my lungs will thank me lots. Generally a bounce/back type of person from flus, cold, etc - but not this time, the damned phnemonia did me in...so there are a few things i can do to keep myself healthy - the biggest thing is not smoking.
Thanks wildclickers for being.
sue, so glad you're back posting also!
Pattie, hang in there, girl!