Interesting Dan! On average though, people need warm clothing. Researched non-animal matierial clothing and found the following article.
A system of clothing that has been successfully used in sub-zero conditions by climbers is the Buffalo Double-P system, made from fibre pile bonded to pertex. Fibre-pile is basically synthetic fur, while pertex is a windproof, full breathable material that is shower proof and very fast drying.
Double-P clothing is worn next to the skin, trapping a layer of warm air but allowing the rapid removal of perspiration. Zips at the neck and under the arms assist in venting and temperature regulation.
To think of Double-P items as a sort of fleece is not to realize its most effective application. Better to think of it as a suit of "Super-Underwear".
Double-P clothing does not loose its insulating abilities when wet and is very fast drying. I've seen a friend wade into a lake on an icy November morning while wearing Double-P trousers. Ten minutes later he was nearly dry and suffered no ill effects.
Another advantage of the Double-P system is that a Double-P shirt and trousers or salopettes cost much less than the equivalent protection provided by separate thermal underwear, fleece or down jacket and windproofs.
Teeny, glad you're feeling better.
Have a good evening, wildclickers!