nimh wrote:okie wrote:Not meaning to interrupt, but I think the answer as to why Clinton is so persistant is the fact she has planned being president for a very very long time, and she is hellbent on it. This is her dream, and she will run until there is absolutely no option left at all, bar none. The Clintons are politicians, first and foremost, and nothing else matters.
Ambition. A sense of entitlement. But as explanation #3 I also think that the Clintons - well, they dominated the Democratic Party for a decade, towering over everyone else; and they arguably brought the party back into electability after a disastrous decade or two. So I think they might genuinely have come to instinctively equate what is good for them with what is good for the party. Especially Bill. Like, they just no longer recognize that these are two separate things. That happens.
The other background I see described time and again by people citing "insiders" with various degrees of credibility, is that it's not just ambition and entitlement; it's that they sincerely believe that Obama is a disater waiting to happen. That they genuinely believe that Obama will either be torn to shreds by the Vast Right Wing Conspiracy in the election campaign, or that he will be a terrible President once elected, as bad or worse than Carter.
How they would have come to this conviction is another subject -- bitterly fought campaigns do have a tendency to exponentially narrow the horizon of those involved, and seriously skew their perspectives of the opponent -- but if they sincerely hold this belief that Obama will waste a unique Democratic chance and lose a whole generation for the party, than it's not just a question of ambition to kneecap him any way they can, but a question of
duty. An obligation they have to the party.
This would explain why they have no hesitation to over and again use the smear tactics that the Republicans will use in the generals already themselves. The argument that they are helping pernicious notions to take hold, even in the Democratic base itself, would be void to them if they sincerely believe that Obama is such a weak or risky candidate that oh - those tactics
will take hold anyway, dont you have any doubt. They
will bring him down - so now it's the duty of the Clintons to save the party from that prospect, by making it clear already now and bowling him out of the race by hook or by crook.
Are they that far gone, in terms of campaign- and ego-fuelled delusion? I dont know. I see bits and pieces of evidence that this might be what's going on. But on the other hand, I just cant quite believe it. And if this is really what they believe, wouldnt they have already switched from smear-and-attack mode to fully-blown nuclear mode? I guess what's holding them back could just be the fear that it would bring themselves down right along with him, but surely there must also be some sense of proportion still in the campaign. I read somewhere that Penn had wanted Hillary to go far more negative still before Texas (with a 3 AM ad that would have made the one that came out seem milquetoast), but that others in the campaign disagreed and Hillary decided against it, so that suggests there is still some (or at least was at that time).
I dunno. Somewhere in between the ambition, entitlement and equation of their own interests with the party's interests, and an outright conviction that Obama is such a bad candidate/potential president that it's their
duty to stop them lies a lot of their drive to persist against overwhelming mathematical odds.