Happy Holidays or Merry Christmas?

Reply Tue 18 Dec, 2007 05:04 pm
Diest TKO wrote:
Foxfyre wrote:
The point is that Christmas is a Christian observance. Yes it has been secularized and even corrupted in the minds of many, but nevertheless, without the Christ worshiped by Christians, there would be no Christmas. There might be some other winter holiday/celebrations, but there would be no Christmas.

Again, Christians problably wouldn't have Christmas without previous pegan celebrations etc. It may have exsted elsewhere in the calender year, but the date chosen was due to certian symbolism established long before Christianity and possibly Judism.

Happy Secular Christmas. Very Happy


Are you daft? Christmas does not celebrate previous pagan calendars...Christmas celebrates the birth of Christ.

Foxfyre, in an earlier post clearly explained this. Are you adding to this thread, or just arguing for the sake of arguing? If you don't care about it, why are you even bothering to waste energy typing on the thread? You have made your views well know....no need to continually repeat yourself.

Merry Christmas
0 Replies
Reply Tue 18 Dec, 2007 05:29 pm
Intrepid wrote:
mesquite wrote:
Intrepid wrote:
Just don't tell anybody that they can't say Merry Christmas.

That is the inferred complaint that I see over and over from you on this thread without one example of it happening.

Anybody who has not seen examples in stores, the streets etc. etc. must be living in a vacuum.

I've not seen examples in stores or anywhere else limiting what I or others can use as a Christmas greeting. Where are these no Christmas allowed signs posted? Are you referring to your opening video where the counter lady was chastised for saying "Happy holidays"? Or maybe the New York subway incident where a couple was assaulted for saying "Happy Hanukkah"?

In a previous post you wrote.

Intrepid wrote:
I only find offense when I am told I cannot say Merry Christmas.

So, how about relating an instance when you were so offended or was that just a strawman.
0 Replies
Reply Tue 18 Dec, 2007 06:13 pm
Fine, Mesquite. Since you live in a vacuum, I will give you examples so you can join the rest of us.

* Christmas plays in schools have been replaced by Holiday festivals. They cannot contain anything about the birth of Jesus.

* Merry Christmas signs have been replaced by Seasons Greetings on the side of the mountain where I live.

* Even IKEA has succumbed to PC with one of their commercials. Although the commercial is brilliant. They advertise 6 foot pine Christmas Trees for $20.00 for those who celebrate Christmas. The ad goes on to say that for those who do not celebrate Christmas they have 6 foot pine scented deodorizers, also for $20.00.

I won't go on because you will just find some fault with my answer and continue ad nauseum with your tirade.
0 Replies
Diest TKO
Reply Tue 18 Dec, 2007 08:13 pm
Intrepid wrote:

* Christmas plays in schools have been replaced by Holiday festivals. They cannot contain anything about the birth of Jesus.

What's the problem? How are you being stopped from celebrating Christmas?

Intrepid wrote:

* Merry Christmas signs have been replaced by Seasons Greetings on the side of the mountain where I live.

Again, what's the problem? Does the mountain belong to you?

Intrepid wrote:

* Even IKEA has succumbed to PC with one of their commercials. Although the commercial is brilliant. They advertise 6 foot pine Christmas Trees for $20.00 for those who celebrate Christmas. The ad goes on to say that for those who do not celebrate Christmas they have 6 foot pine scented deodorizers, also for $20.00.


It seems that you aren't upset about your freedoms, you're upset about other's.

0 Replies
Reply Tue 18 Dec, 2007 08:52 pm
Careful Diest. It looks like you may poke your eye out.

Your last post was just too ridiculous to even contemplate. Do you read what you write before you post it? Rolling Eyes
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Diest TKO
Reply Tue 18 Dec, 2007 09:15 pm
Intrepid wrote:
Careful Diest. It looks like you may poke your eye out.

Your last post was just too ridiculous to even contemplate. Do you read what you write before you post it? Rolling Eyes

Unless you intend to try and illustrate how my post was in anyway incoherent, you're better to just remain silent Treppy. Rolling Eyes

I have yet to see how Christmas is under attack. As far as I'm concerned, it's just fine.


0 Replies
Reply Tue 18 Dec, 2007 09:38 pm
perhaps it's different in the U.S. , but here in canada there are plenty of christmas celebrations . all the churches have special christmas services . the local symphony orchestra plays christmas music ; our street lamp-posts are decorated with stars and other items ; christmas lights have been put up in the city park .. and on and on it goes . i don't think anyone is being deprived of celebrating christmas here .
i did notice that the local muslim community recently celebrated its EID (?) very quietly in the mosque - they didn't ask for any public decorations to be put up .
0 Replies
Reply Tue 18 Dec, 2007 10:04 pm
Intrepid wrote:
Fine, Mesquite. Since you live in a vacuum, I will give you examples so you can join the rest of us.

* Christmas plays in schools have been replaced by Holiday festivals. They cannot contain anything about the birth of Jesus.

* Merry Christmas signs have been replaced by Seasons Greetings on the side of the mountain where I live.

* Even IKEA has succumbed to PC with one of their commercials. Although the commercial is brilliant. They advertise 6 foot pine Christmas Trees for $20.00 for those who celebrate Christmas. The ad goes on to say that for those who do not celebrate Christmas they have 6 foot pine scented deodorizers, also for $20.00.

I won't go on because you will just find some fault with my answer and continue ad nauseum with your tirade.

OK, now I see. You make a statement ...
Intrepid wrote:
I only find offense when I am told I cannot say Merry Christmas.

but what you really mean is you want government funded functions to honor your religious affiliation. It's not about what you can't do. It's about what the government won't do and what you want others to do. I am really surprised at this. I thought that you were one that understood the value of non interference of government in religion and vice-versa.

Churches don't seem to have any problem with ignoring Halloween and putting on their own October-fest celebrations in lieu of it. Why not their own Christmas plays?
0 Replies
Diest TKO
Reply Tue 18 Dec, 2007 11:32 pm
Good questions that deserve honest answers.

0 Replies
Reply Wed 19 Dec, 2007 01:21 am
Diest TKO wrote:
Intrepid wrote:
Careful Diest. It looks like you may poke your eye out.

Your last post was just too ridiculous to even contemplate. Do you read what you write before you post it? Rolling Eyes

Unless you intend to try and illustrate how my post was in anyway incoherent, you're better to just remain silent Treppy. Rolling Eyes

I have yet to see how Christmas is under attack. As far as I'm concerned, it's just fine.



To whom nothing is sacred, nothing is profane.
0 Replies
Diest TKO
Reply Wed 19 Dec, 2007 04:05 am
snood wrote:
To whom nothing is sacred, nothing is profane.

Irony then says me. If Christians would have treated their holiday as being more sacred, there would be nothing to be concidered profane.

Of course if thye had not let it get so large, they might not have the following either.

so if given the choice for a religious holiday to remain small (personal/intimate) yet meaningful or allow it to be come large and a great way to show a religious presence, one has to ask themselves what is more important.

Face it, Christmas has become bigger than Christianity, especially in the United states. I celebrate Christmas with my family. None of which identifies as Christian. We take pride in our celebratio, and I'd like to see anybody tell us that we're doing something wrong. Christmas may mean a great deal to many out there, but I don't have to have the same experiance or emotional attachment to it that other's do.

People who thumb their noses at "Happy Holidays," or "Season's Greatings" are hypocrites.

Mesquite put it best when addressing Intrepid.

mesquite wrote:
what you really mean is you want government funded functions to honor your religious affiliation. It's not about what you can't do. It's about what the government won't do and what you want others to do.

To many people like this exist, who take for granted how free they are. The one thing that they value the most is their freedom of religion, and they never want it challenged, and by the actions of good people I hope they never are challenged. However, the public display of "Happy Holidays" and "Season's Greatings" is far divorced from a challenge of anyone's freedoms. The inverse of which is mockery of the rights on non-christians.

Profanity doesn't begin when nothing is sacred. Christmas is still sacred to many, and their actions via backlash in my humble opinion is often very profane.

0 Replies
Reply Wed 19 Dec, 2007 09:29 am
May the Goddess bless us, every one.
0 Replies
Reply Wed 19 Dec, 2007 10:40 am
No, Diest. Mesquite did not put it best. That is not what I want at all. You are dragging things into many different directions....as you do on most any thread you post on.

You celebrate what and how you want and I will do the same. Your understanding of the entire discussion is removed from what the discussion started about.
0 Replies
Reply Wed 19 Dec, 2007 10:43 am
hamburger wrote:
perhaps it's different in the U.S. , but here in canada there are plenty of christmas celebrations . all the churches have special christmas services . the local symphony orchestra plays christmas music ; our street lamp-posts are decorated with stars and other items ; christmas lights have been put up in the city park .. and on and on it goes . i don't think anyone is being deprived of celebrating christmas here .
i did notice that the local muslim community recently celebrated its EID (?) very quietly in the mosque - they didn't ask for any public decorations to be put up .

Hamburger, I AM in Canada.

All churches have special Christmas services and many have childrens concerts etc. etc.

What about the schools? Christmas celebrations celebrating the birth of Christ are forbidden. This is what I was referring to. So, yes there is deprivation.
0 Replies
Reply Wed 19 Dec, 2007 11:40 am
What about the schools? Christmas celebrations celebrating the birth of Christ are forbidden. This is what I was referring to. So, yes there is deprivation.

as long as each individual/group can celebrate their festive activities in whatever style they prefer (at home , in church , temple , mosque ... ) , i don't see who is being "deprieved" .
as i mentioned our local muslim group is celebrating EID (there is a small article in today's paper about it) in their mosque . there are no celebrations in the schools the muslim children attending . there are also no special displays about EID in local stores - and imo that's actually a good thing . i can celebrate whatever i want with family and friends - i don't see any need why i must let others know loudly about it - even if they are not interested in it .

we are reminded daily on TV news and in the newspapers about
the dangers of overspending and getting into debt at this time of "festive season" . there'll be a lot of people with financial problems when the credit card bills arrive after christmas .
we have always celebrated CHRISTMAS , even though we not practicing christians - but have never felt the need to spend , spend , spend , as we are being told every day by all merchants from drugstores to car manufacturers we must do to enjoy this christian holiday .
i think christmas has been hijacked by corporations that couldn't care less what kind of a holiday it is , as long as we keep the cash registers "jingle" .

i think i'm a little too oldfashioned to see much in today's COMMERCIAL christmas celebrations , but think it's great for all who wish to , to celebrate in their own way !
with that in mind : i wish everyone A VERY MERRY CHRISTMAS ( OR HOLIDAY , if you prefer ) ; and GOOD HEALTH AND HAPPINESS FOR THE NEW YEAR !
0 Replies
Reply Wed 19 Dec, 2007 12:56 pm
You are absolutely correct. Christmas has become so commercialized that it can hardly be recognized for what it is.

I agree that everybody should be able to celebrate whatever it is that is a celebration to them. That is taking a step forward. Where we have gone backwards is that what used to be known as Christmas has changed so that it is no longer what it was meant to be.
0 Replies
Diest TKO
Reply Wed 19 Dec, 2007 02:46 pm
Treppy - You've faied to show how Christians are being prevented from celerating Christmas.

So all this...

Intrepid wrote:
No, Diest. Mesquite did not put it best. That is not what I want at all. You are dragging things into many different directions....as you do on most any thread you post on.

You celebrate what and how you want and I will do the same. Your understanding of the entire discussion is removed from what the discussion started about.

...don't mean jack. Your arguent s weak.

0 Replies
Reply Wed 19 Dec, 2007 02:57 pm
Diest TKO wrote:
Treppy - You've faied to show how Christians are being prevented from celerating Christmas.

So all this...

Intrepid wrote:
No, Diest. Mesquite did not put it best. That is not what I want at all. You are dragging things into many different directions....as you do on most any thread you post on.

You celebrate what and how you want and I will do the same. Your understanding of the entire discussion is removed from what the discussion started about.

...don't mean jack. Your arguent s weak.


Rolling Eyes

I really don't give a flying leap what you think. You are a non entity to me. I am tired of your petty posts and will no longer respond to you.
0 Replies
Diest TKO
Reply Wed 19 Dec, 2007 03:05 pm
Merry X-mas Treppy. Have fun and safe Holiday.

Tis the season.
0 Replies
Reply Wed 19 Dec, 2007 03:27 pm
Intrepid wrote:
Fine, Mesquite. Since you live in a vacuum, I will give you examples so you can join the rest of us.

* Christmas plays in schools have been replaced by Holiday festivals. They cannot contain anything about the birth of Jesus.

* Merry Christmas signs have been replaced by Seasons Greetings on the side of the mountain where I live.

Diest TKO wrote:
Mesquite put it best when addressing Intrepid.

mesquite wrote:
what you really mean is you want government funded functions to honor your religious affiliation. It's not about what you can't do. It's about what the government won't do and what you want others to do.

Intrepid wrote:
No, Diest. Mesquite did not put it best. That is not what I want at all.

Intrepid wrote:
What about the schools? Christmas celebrations celebrating the birth of Christ are forbidden. This is what I was referring to. So, yes there is deprivation.
0 Replies

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