Now wait a minute, Infra....I'ma Jack Daniels sorta guy, but I can discuss Tequila with ya....(see previous post)
What's yer point....
Onyxelle, if he's a hamburger & fries guy then he'd appreciate some
good beer. Why not buy some beer from around the world? A good
Sapporo from Japan, Belgian beer is also good, German beer is the best of course. Then some Mexican beer, and whatever imports you can find.
Along with it a nice large beer glass and an opener.
No offense, Rockhead; I also enjoy Jack tremendously. I just meant that the enjoyment of the higher quality spirits like the 100% agave tequilas, single malt scotches, cognac, etc. might be lost on a burgers and fries from the local gas station sorta guy.
He might appreciate a gift of a bottle of Jack equally as much as he might appreciate a 180 dollar bottle of añejo tequila, and it would be much, much cheaper. much to think on. ....
Maybe he would like a gift pack. The liquor stores here often have something seasonal, there will be little bottles of say 5 different tequilas in a gift pack. My brother got one of those one year and there were different types of micro-brews. He really liked it.
TTH wrote:Maybe he would like a gift pack. The liquor stores here often have something seasonal, there will be little bottles of say 5 different tequilas in a gift pack. My brother got one of those one year and there were different types of micro-brews. He really liked it.
this is a perfect idea !!!!! yay!!!!!
I am glad you like it. It allows people to taste the different brands but, in a small dose rather than a large bottle that they might pour out because they don't like it.
Ahh, but those'll never be the primo stuff.
Depends on how you read your judge. To me a pack of five would give you five mediocre tequilas for a lot of money.
I don't think that liking cheapo burgers and fries always rules out taste discernment.
I'd still go for one good bottle, like patron anejo.
Actually, Onyx, I'd go to the primo liquor outlet in your area, and ask the manager, then pick at your price range.
that's good too osso. might have too.
he's definitely NOT 'not discerning' he just happens to prefer the burger and fries over say...fancy dinners out.
But, maybe that's because his daughter is a gourmet chef, so he's fancy dinner full lol.
In the meantime, I like your new avatar..
ossobuco wrote:In the meantime, I like your new avatar..
i'm blushing now lol. Thank you

Check out This site ranks tequila. Personally I'd go with Patron also. Or you could make your own gift basket with some lemons, pink grapefruit, shot glasses and salt.