Quote:Vikorr - I could not disagree more. There is absolutely no benefit to society from drunk driving.
Jim, I responded to the proper comparative - that is : "people are killed by guns, just like they are killed by
In relation to drunk driving, we have no disagreement here.
Quote:But none of you Lefties have the religious fervor...
Generalised, but as you are specifically replying to my post - I find it fascinating that you apparently believe I display religious fervour, while at the same time, you are the only one feeling the need to resorts to displays of name calling and negative labeling. It makes little sense to me.
Quote:It is only banning firearms you have the jihad zeal to accomplish.
Do you seriously think that people only ever form just one dear belief that conflicts with other peoples beliefs? I find this view rather surprising.
Quote:I also disagree with your belief that gun ownership is of no benefit to society.
I think they have specific benefits is more accurate, but coupled with attendant problems. You are welcome to disagree with my views.
Quote:But more than that, as a free man, gun ownership is a RIGHT that I choose to exercise.