Jim wrote:Chumly, I'm afraid sophistry and word games don't make a very convincing argument.
Your ignorance of argumentation theory and logical fallacies is your problem. Your inability to express yourself with rationality, logicality and congruency is your problem.
Jim wrote:Your argument regarding nuclear weapons is invalid, because the Constitution does not guarantee the right to possess nuclear weapons. The Constitution does guarantee the right to bear arms.
1) Your claim is a Straw Man Logical Fallacy thus you deliberately misrepresent; you made the claim that "The problem is that the existing laws aren't being enforced" you did not make a claim in reference to interpretations of constitutionality.
2) Further your claim is also the logical fallacy called "Argumentum Ad Antiquitatem" in which a thesis is deemed correct on the basis that it correlates with tradition.
3) Further assuming you can ever get past 1) and 2) you will then have then to argue against the Constitutional Amendments because the Constitutional Amendments prove the Constitution can change.
4) Further assuming you can ever get past 1) and 2) and 3) you will have to explain why nuclear-powered arms cannot be considered within the Constitution as to bearing arms, but gunpowder-powered arms can be considered within the Constitution as to bearing arms.
Jim wrote:If guns must be outlawed because we cannot trust criminals not to misuse them, then why stop there?
You make the error of the Straw Man Logical Fallacy, thus you deliberately misrepresent my position as I made no such claim that guns must be outlawed.
Jim wrote:Why not ban cars, because we cannot trust drunks not to drive and kill people?
You make the Slippery Slope Logical Fallacy by arguing for the likelihood of one event or trend given another. You also spew another Straw Man Logical Fallacy, thus you deliberately misrepresent my position as I made no such claim that cars should be banned.
Jim wrote:Or instead, why don't we enforce the laws, and hold people accountable for their actions?
You make the error of the Argumentum ad nauseam Logical Fallacy by repeating the same drivel until nobody cares to discuss it anymore.
Also you never provided a rational and logical response to my post # 2983160 as re-quoted here:
Chumly wrote:Jim wrote:Well Chumly, my friend, by your logic we need a government to watch over us every second of the day, and to make every decision for us, because people are incapable of living their own lives.
You make the error of the Straw Man Logical Fallacy, thus you deliberately misrepresent and misleadingly overstate my position. I never said any such thing that "we need a government to watch over us every second of the day, and to make every decision for us, because people are incapable of living their own lives".
You also make the error of the logical fallacy called "Non Causa Pro Caus" by inferring a false causal relation thus your claim also violates the canons of good reasoning about causation.
You have aptly shown your posts are irrational, illogical and incongruent.
Do you homework, learn about the topics at hand, and express yourself
with rationality, logicality and congruency.
In sum unless or until you respond to my posts in a rational, logical, congruent manner starting with post 2983160 as per the above, you deserve no further response.