Thu 21 Aug, 2003 08:35 am
MoveOn is asking for help in support of the Texas Democrates hold up in Albuquerque to fight Tom DeLay's redistricting takeover power play.
Glad you posted that, BBB. I got mine yesterday and contributed immediately. It will make a big difference -- perhaps more in terms of PR than $$ -- as the plot thickens here in TX. Perry is asking the State Police to intercept them and arrest them -- he has called a third special session and they're obliged to return, as I understand it.
From MoveOn, an email just now:
In one day MoveOn members have contributed more than $400,000
for our "Defend Democracy" campaign. We've been overwhelmed by the response.
The 11 Texas legislators who are right now risking everything for us and
for democracy are deeply grateful to receive this support.
Let's raise a $1,000,000 to make this our biggest campaign ever. Let's
take this campaign to national media outlets, and go deep with Texas media.
Let's take it to California. Let's connect the dots. George Bush and
Karl Rove have been counting on getting away with these underhanded tactics --
on bullying their opposition into submission, on playing every dirty trick
in the book. With your help, we can make it cost them dearly.
This is important.
It doesn't matter if you can only contribute $5.00.
These Republicans have proven themselves deaf to the voice of the people.
They DO understand money and numbers.
Make your voice heard.
Okay -- glad to see the action here. I just posted on the other thread the news that, overnight, they've raised an additional $300K, bringing the total to $700K so far, and they want a $1M total to pay for a national media blitz. Whatever you can donate, friends. This stuff makes an impression, brings the media around.