Thank from me too, Coolwhip. Some of those are truly wonderful.
These are wonderful Coolwhip. I really like the visual graffiti.
Coolwhip wrote:
Sglass approved !
MA bought me a beautiful book of graffiti type posters which is enroute from the mainland which if I learn how to use some of the programs I will post them.
No really Coolwhip those are really great and I hope you come up with some more.
This my wish to all at a2k for the New Year and thanks to Mark Twain.
Dance like no one is watching.
Sing like no one is listning.
Love like you've never been hurt
and live like it's heaven on Earth.
Some more Marcell Proust graffiti
The real voyage of discovery consists not in seeking new landscapes but in having new eyes
Women are like tea bags, they don't know how strong they are until they get into hot water.
Eleanor Roosevelt
from the powder room at the White House
Saw this scrawled on a wall yesterday:
Happy B-day, Sglass!!!
What's that about, I wonder.
Happy birthday, Sglass!
Pisceans are the best!
[size=7](& me, too, for last week!)[/size]
Happy Birthday, Seaglass.
Hold your dominion.
Hapy Birthday Sglass
East End of London - Sept07
Inner City Angels.
Happy birthday, Sglass. Enjoy your day.
msolga wrote:Happy birthday, Sglass!
Pisceans are the best!
[size=7](& me, too, for last week!)[/size]
I don't know Msolga that sounds a bit fishy. Are you one of us crazy fishes? Wonder how many Pisces on A2K.
Izzie wrote:Hapy Birthday Sglass
East End of London - Sept07
Inner City Angels.

Izzie thanks for your angel. Could you tell me more about the significance of "Inner City Angel?"
Sglass, I agree that's a pisser. I couldn't find a source. It looks like a subway station, but not a NYC subway station. NYC subway stations have concrete blocks (not shiny floors), and there are signs with stop names all over the walls. Also the garbage pails are different.
However, it's been a while since I've been in a subway station, so I could be wrong.
Sorry I couldn't get to the bottom of it.
Sglass wrote:msolga wrote:Happy birthday, Sglass!
Pisceans are the best!
[size=7](& me, too, for last week!)[/size]
I don't know Msolga that sounds a bit fishy. Are you one of us crazy fishes?
Absolutely, Sglass!
Never a dull moment as a fishy person, eh? :wink:
I don't care where Roberta's Staircase to Elsewhere is. I like it.
Noddy24 wrote:I don't care where Roberta's Staircase to Elsewhere is. I like it.
Well Noddy, the EXIT sign is in English. It's border- line Echer
I'll grant you that the staircase starts from an English-speaking country. Eight steps up, nine steps up and I have a feeling that you're climbing through alien territory.