Tue 27 Nov, 2007 10:08 pm
Hey, I'm Amy and I take care of my elderly parents. My dad and mum are 88 and 86 respectively. I moved in to take care of them when they could not afford a assisted living centre and the part time care was not sufficient. My husband found ner to my parents place and we live with them now. It's becoming increasingly difficult to leave them alone, even for grocery shopping. They cannot remember the phone numbers which I have put up near the telephone. I cannot turn my head even for a minute in case they want to go to the bathroom and fall if they have no support. It is getting exhausting. Are the medical pendants useful in these cases. I was planning to get one from Response link for all the times I need to go out of the house to run chores.
I can't speak for another country or even another state but, here in WA State, the area I live in, yes they are useful for when someone falls and can't get up. The bracelet, pendant or whichever device you choose is wireless and monitored by a central station. It should have voice activation capability so your parents would be able to speak to the person at the monitoring center. Depending on the situation, the monitoring person can contact the Fire Dept. who will respond. Hope that helps.
tribb, others can speak to this better than I can, but since the pendants may require the user to actively press a button you may find that eventually (the time may have even already arrived) your folks are too far gone to do even that. That was the experience of one of our members, re her late husband.
Welcome to A2K.
Your parents sound as though they have reached a stage when they can't be left alone at all--gadgets or no gadgets.
Contact your local Agency for Aging. At the very least you'll find some emotional support and you may qualify for respite care and senior-sitting when you must run errands.
The people at Agency for Aging will know what help is available, much of it for little or no cost.
Good luck.
Read the info in this thread. We had a discussion on this exact thing a few months ago that will be helpful to you.
Help on medical Alarm
jespah and Noddy are right: you can't rely on them, as you describe them, to remember to activate the alarm. Further, should one of them fall and be unconscious, most alarms would not be activated, although there may be something out there that sends an automatic signal in such cases; I seem to have heard of one, but can't remember the details.
An agency which will send "companions" is a great help. They will send someone who is familiar with these situations, and can stay with your parents while you go to market, the dentist, etc. These are not nurses, but they are trained to help and watch over elderly persons with mental and/or physical deficits.
I found one local agency, Home Instead (in case you live in the Boston area) to be wonderfully helpful. I was able to keep a weekly two-hour commitment and leave my husband in the Home Instead companion's care with a free mind, and to reserve one afternoon a week for errands, knowing that he wouldn't wander away.
Good luck.
Help on Medical Alarm
Tribb: Look for the Topic "Mental Decline & Dependency/Coping With Aging Loved Ones". This is a long ongoing thread about the elderly parent/spouse difficulty.
hey!..thank you!!!

you guys have been immensly helpful and supportive. I did take a look at all the options and for the time being, because of financial constraints, I will still be taking care of them. I might get the bracelets for now, but yes, I think we need to have our other options open.
Hey Tribb , check with RL I noticed when I was looking on their site that they offer wellness checks. That is where they call and check on the subscriber at time intervals and if there is no response from them, they send help immediately. They also keep all emergency contact numbers on hand to alert anyone that is on the list in case of an emergency. In your case, you might want to check more into ResponseLINK, after I went to their site, I learned of their meal and prescription reminders as well as the wellness checks. This might be most helpful in your situation.
Hello Amy,
Suppose for your old grandpa or granny is at home and has fallen down of his bed and needs immediate help .This is really a very crunch situation for an elderly person , this can be solved if an alert alarm system is being implanted. that can really help in monitoring each and every activity and can be beneficial in the cause. These pendants are very easy to use just make them wear round their neck .