Quote:That same revenue which goes towards buying the weapons needed to commit mass genocides.
One could argue that the reason Iraq turned up nothing, no WMDs, no machine gun stockpiles, hell, no mass killings on the pre-gulf war scare after teh sanctions were imposed, was because the sanctions dried up much of the money that Saddam needed to finance these projects.
It could certainly be argue that way...yet it could also be argued this way : Dictators, even poor ones, have only one interest, and that is keeping themselves in power. So the limited money they get goes to the military. If it's a weak military, then it needs to be all the more brutal.
Saddam is once more a prime example (this time, of funding the military during sanctions) - The UN says that the 10 years or so of US sanctions lead to the death of 500,000 children (and about 1,000,000 Iraqi's if I remember right) which means that the sanction bit deep, yet during that time he still managed to keep an army of 400,000 soldiers.