Not a thing, olga, just the usual doom and gloom. I had to go to the local pharmacy to get a prescription filled and stopped to have a coffee while at the mall. Reading the Telegraph, I came across the political cartoon, which seemed to sum up how I felt about it all. Tried to access it when I got home to show you, but good ole' Rupert charges 99c a page to read his paper on line. Say no more.
It depicted a big, fat, Mr Moneybags banker standing in a rowing boat in a raging flood. In the distance the upper part of a house can be seen and near the boat a family are trying to keep their heads above the murky water. Is the banker coming to their rescue? No, he is standing there peeing on them.
Same old same old.
Plenty of sparkling information about who wore what at the Logies. Ho hum.
Feeling much better today, BTW. I think getting my prescription filled helped a lot. No, I don't take uppers; I had run out of my diabetes pills, was not feeling too good and was having a bit of a stress session forcing myself to go up to the mall and get more.
I'm cranky about the money wasted in the schools update scheme. I know that much needed improvements have been made in many cases but there seem to have been so many rorts and unnecessary work done. We are told of the number of staff that will be kept on, doing nothing, until something is finally decided upon with the emmissions trading scheme in a few years time. Why could these people have not been put to good use in helping to oversee the school improvements scheme?
As someone who spent many years in the PS I am not knocking them. There are a lot of bludgers in the public service but there are a lot more intelligent, dedicated and committed hard workers. However, the so-called brains calling the shots are a different matter, entirely. There seems to be a whole lot of a*se-covering and self-aggrandisement going on.
So, what's new about that? Absolutely nothing. No wonder one gets depressed about it all.
Happy days!