Quote:I agree that smirky would only take the job if the party prostrated themselves and begged and cooed.
I dare not wish that it will happen though - it would be the end of the Libs as a sensible force to be reckoned with - I hope you win the bet.... Then maybe our duopoly of political power might be the ALP as the conservative force and the Greens as the leftish reformers. Be still my beating heart.
Don't get me wrong, hinge. I don't
want Captain Smirk to win the leadership of his dreams. (
"At last, at last!!!" he drools.

) I just think it will happen .... Anyway, I'll bet you a fiver on that.
You saying that Labor could go even
further right? Crikey.
The Greens are the closest thing we have to leftish reformers
now, I think you'll agree. I must say I do like the idea of Bob & co with a bit more real power, though! (Did you notice that the first Greens candidate was elected to the lower house in WA on the weekend? Yay!
