Romans did not collect capitations (head taxes, which means a tax based upon a population). Within their own polity, they collected a hearth tax, but that depended upon the number of households, and not the actual numbers of people living within the polity. Iudeaea was a district within the province of Syria. The Legate of Syria was responsible for remitting a certain amount of money based on the excise--which means a tax on commerce and commercial goods. No one actually gave a rat's ass how many Jews there were, so long as the excise was collected and remitted.
If you are going to make horseshit claims like that, try to provide some evidence. You're going to have a problem, though, because Octavian, a.k.a. Caesar Augustus, conducted three censii, and none of them take place on the relevant dates, leaving aside the fact that no census counted anyone who was
not a Roman citizen. This is really a case of put up or shut up--if you can't provide your evidence, then you shouldn't make such claims.
From the Deeds of the Divine Augustus:
Quote:When I was consul the fifth time (29 B.C.E.), I increased the number of patricians by order of the people and senate. I read the roll of the senate three times, and in my sixth consulate (28 B.C.E.) I made a census of the people with Marcus Agrippa as my colleague. I conducted a lustrum, after a forty-one year gap, in which lustrum were counted 4,063,000 heads of Roman citizens. Then again, with consular imperium I conducted a lustrum alone when Gaius Censorinus and Gaius Asinius were consuls (8 B.C.E.), in which lustrum were counted 4,233,000 heads of Roman citizens. And the third time, with consular imperium, I conducted a lustrum with my son Tiberius Caesar as colleague, when Sextus Pompeius and Sextus Appuleius were consuls (14 A.C.E.), in which lustrum were cunted 4,937,000 of the heads of Roman citizens.
Note that not only do none of the dates coincide with the dates alleged for the birth of the putative Jesus, but note that Augustus only concerns himself with the number of Roman citizens, and your boy Joseph was not a Roman citizen, nor was his teenaged, unwed mother Mary.
It's fine with me that you or anyone else does "believe in the bible." It is also fine with me to point out when they are peddling bullshit based of poor to no logic and a devout desire to "believe in the bible" despite evidence which contradicts their song and dance.