msolga wrote:Material girl, you've been disenchanted with your job for ages. What caused you to finally quit?
Good luck with your job hunt!
Thanks Msolga.
Ive always hated my job, Ive had less and less to do, the final straw was when I was treated very cruelly, unprofessionally and unfairly, getting a verbal warning for something I feel wasnt my fault.
I had conflicting instructions for the same situations from different bosses, it all just made it impossible for me to do my job, not that I even know what that is anymore.
I havnt learnt anything new in the last 5 years except that I can have a better job than this and how not to run a business.
Its all in the 'working for b*tth*les' thread.
I still dont think that my boss(that gave me the verbal warning)knows that Im leaving.He has said nothing.I hope he doesnt know and I hope I get to be here when he realises.
Ive started to clear things away from my desk.Sadly not enough to notice.