I want to say I tried to let him cry it out (but about 5 minutes into it I just couldn't bear it). He is the world's happiest baby & almost never cries so I just can't do the whole controlled crying thing to him. It breaks my heart.
He eats purees (baby food) 3 times a day and Oatmeal Cereal for breakfast. His daytime bottles are about 6 oz. each. His bottle before bed is 6 oz also. I only give him 4 oz at night because that's all he'll take. I've made him 6 oz bottles before but he won't finish them.
You are right about him being uncomfortable. We live in the desert so we've not had a winter yet (about 80+ during the days still). I just don't know what to do to make him more comfy. He sleeps in a onesie, hates to be covered with a blanket or sheet & I keep the ceiling fan & A/C on but his head still sweats A LOT. I know he wakes up sometimes because of it (the sheet underneath him will be soaked) but I don't know what else to do about that.
At this point I'm just letting things be and waiting it out. Thanks for the advice.