I like that too, CJane.
Oregon is overwhelmingly white. Portland in particular is white. Our neighborhood is fairly mixed but most of the non-white kids are adopted. Crazy. Cool, in a way, but crazy.
I imagine the club is overwhelmingly white.
Mo is not very materialistic but I can certainly see how it could happen. I picked him up from school early the other day for an appointment at the same time a group of kids were leaving on a field trip. They were disappointed that their driver wasn't driving the Escalade that was parked in front of the school.
And.... errrr..... Mr. B drives an Escalade..... so ..... er.......
It's damn complicated!
Mo is very excited that we are going to let him join. I talked to his teacher today to see how the bus thing worked and she said that a couple of kids in his class were members of the club. She gave the club really high marks.
Mo had to sign the application too so I read him all the rules about how you have to behave and how if you don't behave they can revoke your membership. He was very serious as he listend and signed, swearing that he could behave in such a manner.
The only thing that gives me pause is the "B&G Club Code" which reads:
Quote: I believe in God and the right to worship according to my own faith and religion.
I believe in America and the American way of life, in the Consitution and the Bill or Rights.
I believe in fair play, honesty and sportsmanship.
I believe in my B&G Club which stands for these things.
Mo doesn't know much about God, the Constitution or the Bill of Rights. He's 6, fercryingoutloud.
They have a photograpy club at this location, maybe I'll volunteer!