Another dem sticks his foot in his mouth

Reply Sat 27 Oct, 2007 12:24 pm
And he made a complete fool of himself doing it.


WASHINGTON - Dutch lawmakers who recently visited the Guantanamo Bay military prison said they were offended by a testy exchange in Washington with a senior congressional Democrat.

The lawmakers said that Rep. Tom Lantos, D-Calif., chairman of the House Foreign Affairs Committee, told them that "Europe was not as outraged by Auschwitz as by Guantanamo Bay."

And here is where he suffered from complete "foot in mouth" disease...

You have to help us, because if it was not for us you would now be a province of Nazi Germany," Lantos said, according to the Dutch lawmakers

Is Lantos (D-Calif., chairman of the House Foreign Affairs Committee) really this stupid, or is he just getting old?
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Reply Sat 27 Oct, 2007 01:21 pm
He sure sounds like a pr*ck. We in Europe are used to Americans telling is "if it wasn't for us you'd be speaking German", which is a singularly stupid, ill-informed and ignorant thing to say. One even said it to a Spanish friend of mine!

Unfortunately some Americans are ignorant dicks when it comes to Europe and its peoples and history, and we are used to it. We prize and value the decent and intelligent ones, and we know there are plenty. They just don't get the press they deserve.

I don't know why you write "another Dem" in the title. Most of the dumb f-tards from over the Atlantic who spout that type of trash are GOP people. Still, handy to know the Dems can't be trusted either. I sort of knew that any way.
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Reply Sat 27 Oct, 2007 02:35 pm
I wrote "another dem" because they seem to be sticking their feet in their mouths with more and more frequency lately.
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Reply Sat 27 Oct, 2007 02:44 pm
mysteryman wrote:
I wrote "another dem" because they seem to be sticking their feet in their mouths with more and more frequency lately.

I think it must be your partisan bias making you think that. Believe me, buddy, from where I stand, it's pretty damn even between the GOP and the Dems.
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Reply Sat 27 Oct, 2007 03:20 pm
contrex wrote:
mysteryman wrote:
I wrote "another dem" because they seem to be sticking their feet in their mouths with more and more frequency lately.

I think it must be your partisan bias making you think that. Believe me, buddy, from where I stand, it's pretty damn even between the GOP and the Dems.

I didnt say it wasnt about even.

But lately, more dems seem to be doing it, and that is what seems to be making it "pretty damn even" lately.
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Reply Sat 27 Oct, 2007 04:44 pm
maybe they have some catching up to do. In a democracy you have the right to make an ass of yourself.
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Reply Sun 28 Oct, 2007 07:56 am
mysteryman wrote:
I wrote "another dem" because they seem to be sticking their feet in their mouths with more and more frequency lately.

and you young man, seem continually to devour your own legs like Jaws right up to their hip sockets with your ignorance of the subject matter.

re: Rep. Tom Lantos......Lantos was part of an anti-Nazi resistance movement during the German occupation of Hungary and sought refuge in a safe house established by Raoul Wallenberg.

If anyone in the US Congress can speak truth to power about the Nazis and concentration camps to Europeans I would prefer it to be a Jewish member of the Hungarian Resistance in WWII who survived the Holocaust, especially over an ignorant truck driving yahoo from the poor white trash hills of Appalachia who never seems to do his homework.

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Reply Sun 28 Oct, 2007 08:19 am
You really should just come right out and voice your feelings, kuvie. Shed that inhibited shell!!
0 Replies
Reply Sun 28 Oct, 2007 10:19 am
kuvasz wrote:
mysteryman wrote:
I wrote "another dem" because they seem to be sticking their feet in their mouths with more and more frequency lately.

and you young man, seem continually to devour your own legs like Jaws right up to their hip sockets with your ignorance of the subject matter.

re: Rep. Tom Lantos......Lantos was part of an anti-Nazi resistance movement during the German occupation of Hungary and sought refuge in a safe house established by Raoul Wallenberg.

If anyone in the US Congress can speak truth to power about the Nazis and concentration camps to Europeans I would prefer it to be a Jewish member of the Hungarian Resistance in WWII who survived the Holocaust, especially over an ignorant truck driving yahoo from the poor white trash hills of Appalachia who never seems to do his homework.


So that gives him the right to say what he did?
You attack several members on here if they say the same thing, so why is it right for him to say it and wrong for others to say it?

I know Lantos was part of a resistance group, and I never said anything bad about him regarding that.
But to say what he did shows ignorance of history and of the contributions of many other nations.
He was also speculating about how the world would look today, with no evidence either way to support his theory.

You need to be consistent in your complaints.

And you have again shown your ignorance.
I am not from Appalachia, nor am I poor or ignorant.
And you apparently also have no idea where Appalachia actually is, or what region of the country actually is considered Appalachia.

I will be happy to put my education up against yours, anytime.
You need to learn geography before you try and talk about where someone lives.

And since you are apparently from Georgia, the white trash racist capitol of the world, you have no reason to talk about where anyone lives.

So, I suggest you grow up and actually learn something before you criticize anyone else, especially WW2 history.
I am well versed in WW2 and the history of it.
If you want to compare education and knowledge about WW2, you will lose, every time.

So asshole, do yourself a favor and STFU.

BTW asshole, I was born and raised in San Diego.
0 Replies
Reply Sun 28 Oct, 2007 10:22 am
mm wrote:
And since you are apparently from Georgia, the white trash racist capitol of the world, you have no reason to talk about where anyone lives.

Does Lash know this?
0 Replies
Reply Sun 28 Oct, 2007 01:32 pm
mysteryman wrote:
kuvasz wrote:
mysteryman wrote:
I wrote "another dem" because they seem to be sticking their feet in their mouths with more and more frequency lately.

and you young man, seem continually to devour your own legs like Jaws right up to their hip sockets with your ignorance of the subject matter.

re: Rep. Tom Lantos......Lantos was part of an anti-Nazi resistance movement during the German occupation of Hungary and sought refuge in a safe house established by Raoul Wallenberg.

If anyone in the US Congress can speak truth to power about the Nazis and concentration camps to Europeans I would prefer it to be a Jewish member of the Hungarian Resistance in WWII who survived the Holocaust, especially over an ignorant truck driving yahoo from the poor white trash hills of Appalachia who never seems to do his homework.


So that gives him the right to say what he did?
You attack several members on here if they say the same thing,

I did? Prove it with my direct quote towards them and if you can not support that allgation with documentation it is actually you who is lying, and i expect an apology from you.

so why is it right for him to say it and wrong for others to say it?

Show me where I chastized others for doing so? Just provide the quote, or you are a liar

I know Lantos was part of a resistance group, and I never said anything bad about him regarding that.

and actually you never said anything good about Lantos risking his life to fight Hitler either, so would they be morally neutral vis-a-vis the topic of discussion?

Explain this clearly, were you expecting to get Brownie points for NOT commenting about him participating in the Resistence against fighting off Hitler? That's mighty white of you, son.

But to say what he did shows ignorance of history and of the contributions of many other nations.

What fact, or context AND CONTRIBUTION has Lantos ignored, and of a level that deflates his active moral witness of the times? Because that is what is going on here, in case you are too dense to see it; an old man is telling european "liberals" (frankly socialists real ones far to my own Left, who hate America because of the Gitmo camps) to pipe down because he personally has seen a lot more of rough detention than Gitmo and some of THAT occurred by collaboration of their own forefathers with the GERMANS, so recognize CONTEXT and knock off the smart remarks because we all know some of you knew 65 years ago what was happening and did nothing about it. the moral equvalence is not there, so the Dutch ought to wise up and remember their own recent history?

But this is "bad" diplomacy.

He was also speculating about how the world would look today, with no evidence either way to support his theory.

so if the Allies had not invaded Europe in '43-'4 what would the Netherlands BE other than a northwestern province in the Third Reich.

You need to be consistent in your complaints.

My complaint is that you do not support your thesis by suppying the pertient facts that produce a reality that rationally corresponds to the facts, in fact all you have is just sloop tossed on a wall.

And you have again shown your ignorance.I am not from Appalachia,

So Eastern Kentucy has not been described as a part of Applalachia?

I will be happy to put my education up against yours, anytime.


You need to learn geography before you try and talk about where someone lives.

And since you are apparently from Georgia, the white trash racist capitol of the world, you have no reason to talk about where anyone lives.

Actually that's one state over, lovely Alabama. but it's true 'round these parts they call 32 women a full set o' teeth

BTW ****, I was born and raised in San Diego.

btw: "live in" is not "from or educated" now is it, according to you? I grew up in and was educated in cosmopolitan cities, New York City, Boston, San Francisco, Philadephia.

So, I suggest you grow up and actually learn something before you criticize anyone else, especially WW2 history.

um........If I had to remind you that Lantos was a Jewish Hungarian Fighter in the Undergroud and that alone was enough street cred to shame the Dutch cheese eating surrender monkeys into shuting up about Gitmo, its hard to believe that your own interests in WWII are deeper or more widespread than my own. 'cause even it was your thread I provided the more pertinent data ....and your excuse, that well, you could have done it but you just didn't want to........ is as lame as Ruffin.

I am well versed in WW2 and the history of it.

Yet you have an uncanny way of usng silence to show it, perhaps had you actually said what I had to tell the reader about Lantos the person might have come to a more informed decision, but you didn't, and if you didn't inform the audidence to the best of your limited ability why post a half-thought idea?

It has all the intellectual honesty of telling people that the price of your hamburger meat is only 0.99 cents a pound but leave out that it actually rat meat.

If you want to compare education and knowledge about WW2, you will lose, every time.

Are you challenging me to a duel of wits? Unless you dance around like Barbara Tuchman in drag or steal from the same sources that Stephen Ambrose does it really isn't whose book you read, games of "Risk" you've cheated at or times you watch John Wayne in "Fort Apache"........because when you were surpposed to do the right thing, you doubled clutched and did not attend to the discussion with the items you knew would exonerate Lantos from your ridicule.

instead you set him up for ridicule even though you knew he was likely one of a few left remaining men alive in the entire world who had the moral high ground in defending America from political attack by her enemies.

Instead you withheld information all for a cheap domestic political attack on a democrat who actively fought Hitler while a youn man, true hero of the underground. That must make you feel like a big big man doing that.. and your fellow travellers wonder why we got so worked up about the plame affair?

you lied about and distorted the reality for political advantage, you are so twisted and crazy that you attacked a Democrat for remarks which spoken by a republican you would have applaauded. That is what is so sick about you right wing nuts. It is indefensible, morally repugnant, and shameless of you it twist the truth. for transient political advantage

So ****, do yourself a favor and STFU.

Context is everything, you have none. or honesty or class
0 Replies
Reply Sun 28 Oct, 2007 01:40 pm
Lantos seems a bit of an ill mannered lout ....I remember his animosity towards General Petreous (sp?) during the House "Inquisition". So... another outburst is to be expected from him.... time to time.

It seems this particular specimen of our "elected elite" considers himself so above the "common" folk that common manners are considered blase'. I hasten to point out that this kind of oafish behavior is NOT limited to one Party! "Their members are legion and they spell DOOM to all mankind."

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Reply Mon 29 Oct, 2007 04:29 am
Again your ignorance is showing.

Where I live is not by any stretch of the term considered to be in eastern Ky, so the term Appalachia does not apply.
Also, I moved here 4 years ago,from San Diego. I was born there, and educated there, so again you are making an assumption that isnt true.

Also, I didnt say anything about Lantos having been in the resistance because it stated in the article I linked to that he was.
Anyone reading the article would have known that, so my repeating it wasnt required.

Now, you are free to be an ignorant asshole, if it makes you feel better about yourself.
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Joe Nation
Reply Mon 29 Oct, 2007 04:49 am
No, you didn't mention it because your object, as always, is find some fault with what you call Dems.

Joe(Hey, here's something bad... good)Nation
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Reply Wed 31 Oct, 2007 04:30 pm
Well, really, do I do that bad of a job representing Kentucky or what? No, don't answer on second thought. :wink:

I am not going to there with the Holocaust argument; but merely because something is worse don't make some bad better than it is. The Gitmo thing is a disgrace along with other instances where we have abused our power over detainees which were in our (US) custody and so our responsiblity to make sure they were not tortured or any of the other international humanitarian laws violated. This is a stain on our country regardless of how much worse events in the past were.
0 Replies
Reply Wed 31 Oct, 2007 09:23 pm
dyslexia wrote:
mm wrote:
And since you are apparently from Georgia, the white trash racist capitol of the world, you have no reason to talk about where anyone lives.

Does Lash know this?

giggles....jaysus cripes...we still have Mississippi, don't we?
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