Vonnegut, Orwell, to name a couple.
Cynics, of Greek history, were a sect of philosophers who advocated that virtue was the only good. Furthermore, the essence of virtue was self control.
In a Nation where "self control" is regarded as a negative influence toward "feeling good about ones self" and might "stifle ones creativity" we are left to ponder the "end game" of such thinking.
One the one hand we have complete anarchy, guided only by the selfish interests of the individual, regardless of the effects to the society at large. I believe the concept could be summed up: "Hurray for me and F*** you!"
At the other extreme the population, fearing anarchy, runs to the Government for a controlling influence. The Government, then, inherits the task of enforcing "self control" (or "virtue" or "ultimate good", even personal responsibility).
Put another way, at the one end you have "absolute freedom" at the other a dictatorship. The answer is "The Middle Way" or a balance achieved by self disciplined, responsible citizens "who care". That very little of "The Middle Way" is exhibited in politics (including this forum), I hold to be self evident.
Yeah, I'm a cynic.