dlowan wrote:...if anyone uses the term now...it's very dated.
Yeah! guessed it might be. 'fraid my knowledge of OZ is limited to the context of the famous tennis players I once ball-girled for in pre-Wimbledon tournaments...in my tender teens... way back when Sheela's were Sheilas...
... wipes away a tear.... and raises a glass to the days gone by.
dlowan wrote:
And digreessing is good.
Glad you think so, as it does tend to be the way with me!!!
Oh yes and I wanted to mention that Lawksamussy of yours which went down frightfully well, as it was quite new to me. I reckon I'll do it to death though... Hope you don't mind my pinching it!
dlowan wrote:Nah, they're "Sheilas"
A propos, without wishing to appear too argumentative, I'm holding to the orthodoxy where Sheela's are concerned if you don't mind. I mean letting you Ozzies monopolize the market in such things would never do)