i hit the submit button before i finished my entry .
trying again !
c.i. quoted :
Quote:Anti-terror focus returns to Afghanistan, Pakistan
i hope that is not too late to re-focus .
see below from recent BBC report :
Quote:The former Liberal Democrat leader Paddy Ashdown has been negotiating terms for a new role in Afghanistan co-ordinating the international effort and its links with the Karzai government - a job locally nicknamed the "super gorilla".
He comes with experience from a similar role in Bosnia, but Afghanistan is a far larger task as he acknowledged recently, going as far as saying,
"We have lost and success is unlikely".
read complete post :
i just finished reading
THE CARPET WARS by christopher kremmer (see book review here) .
kremmer lived all over asia and the middle-east for 10 years and wrote the book just after the 2001 attack on NYC .
reading this book and many others on this subject of the middle-east and central asia (pakistan , india , afghanistan , the NEW republics formed after the breakup of the soviet-union ) does not give me ANY confidence that solutions can be imposed by any weatern nations - no matter what .
the solutions will have to come from the people and governments of the region . western nations can OFFER their assistance , but can not offer a solution imo .
i find it rather interesting that nations of asia and the middle-east that would seem to have some understanding of the problems - such as japan , south-korea , even india , saudi-arabia , singapore - are holding back . they seem to think that solutions will have to be local ones - that is my impression .
westerners - as nations and governments - seem to have little knowledge of what makes the people of the middle-east and asia tick . they seem to think that they have some ready made solutions that can be pulled out of a drawer like a pencil and a piece of paper - what they really need is PATIENCE - and that is hard to come by in the west imo .