Reply Mon 15 Oct, 2007 01:40 pm

The Following is one Israeli journalist's response to Ann Coulter's anti Semitic blabberings on American TV last week... It's an interesting read.

Ann Coulter's dream of a Jew-free America
By Bradly Burston


From time to time, particularly in the wake of schoolyard shootings, failing markets, failing wars, failing administrations and the like, Americans take pause to take stock, wondering what's at the bottom of the malaise that afflicts their beloved, chronically clueless nation.

What is it, really, that's wrong with America?

If we're taking nominations, I'd like to open the bidding with Ann Coulter.

You may know her as the acerbic, not to say verbally abusive, syndicated columnist whose bare-knuckles conservative punditry raises hackles and ratings across the cable news spectrum.
This month, Coulter waded into the mess first made by Republican White House hopeful John McCain, when he referred to America as a nation founded on the principles of Christianity, indicating that he would prefer to see a fellow Christian in the White House.

Barely a week after McCain's comments, Coulter told an exasperated Jewish talk-show host that in her dreams, heaven - for that matter, America - is a place where everyone is Christian.

Where would the Jews have gone? She went on to explain that that Jews needed to convert to Christians in order to be "perfected," noting that Christians have a "fast track" to God.

Appearing on CNBC's The Big Idea, hosted by Donny Deutsch, Coulter was asked what America would look like if she had her way.

"It would look like New York City during the [2004] Republican National Convention," Coulter replied. "In fact, that's what I think heaven is going to look like."

Asked to expand on the theme, Coulter said "People were happy. They're Christian. They're tolerant. They defend America."

Deutsch, growing at once incredulous and offended, responded "So we should be Christian? It would be better if we were all Christian?" to which Coulter answered with a simple yes, later inviting Deutsch to attend church with her.

DEUTSCH: We should just throw Judaism away and we should all be Christians, then?


DEUTSCH: Really?

COULTER: Well, it's a lot easier. It's kind of a fast track.
Deutsch then suggested similarities between Coulter's position and that of Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad.

DEUTSCH: "Let's wipe Israel off the earth." I mean, what, no Jews?

COULTER: No, we think - we just want Jews to be perfected, as they say.

DEUTSCH: Wow, you didn't really say that, did you?

COULTER: Yes. That is what Christianity is. We believe the Old Testament, but ours is more like Federal Express. You have to obey laws.

A commercial break ensued, during which Coulter asked Deutsch for a chance to explain the comment about "perfecting" Jews. She adamantly turned aside all suggestions that the comment could be offensive to Jews, that it could be construed as hateful or anti-Semitic. "I don't think you should take it that way," she said. "But that is what Christians consider themselves: perfected Jews."

Until recently, I failed to take Ann Coulter seriously. I was wrong.

I was wrong to write off as mere stand-up racism her advice after the September 11 attacks ["We should require passports to fly domestically. Passports can be forged, but they can also be checked with the home country in case of any suspicious-looking swarthy males."]

I was wrong to write off as scattershot shtick her comments against women's right to vote, her suggestion that John Edwards was a "faggot" who should have been assassinated by terrorists, her depiction of Islam as a religion whose whose tenets are "along the lines of 'kill everyone who doesn't smell bad and doesn't answer to the name Mohammed.'"

I was wrong to see her as some highly intelligent, well-educated, perversely gifted panderer to the lower common denominator. I was wrong to see her as some overqualified infotainment shock jock. I should have taken her seriously.

Ann Coulter is my enemy. Ann Coulter is the kind of patriotic, persuasive, powerful American who is precisely what is wrong with America.

I'll never underestimate her again. Ann Coulter has a plan for the Jews. She has one for Muslims as well. And it's her people who are exactly the kind of Americans who could find the way to try to carry it out.


Are our Israeli friends going a bit too far? Laughing
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Reply Mon 15 Oct, 2007 02:32 pm
I would like to see a rift between the Jews and the christians. It would be more of a balance between the big three religions. Instead of two idiots attacking one idiot with the one idiot blowing $hit up at random when nobodys around. There would be a stalemate.

But I'm dreaming. The sheep that are coerced by these man behind religion will never let peace happen. They are in it for the blood money and power.

It's satanism by it's real name.
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Reply Mon 15 Oct, 2007 08:36 pm
Interesting read.

I personally would not care if the concept of "perfected Jews" related to a "heavenly" perfection; however, for our more temporal existence, I would have to guess her concern over perfection doesn't include the Stanford Binet Intelligence Quotient, since I believe the Jewish average IQ is higher than the average for the general population. If that's not correct, I guess there's just a lot of Jews who manage somehow to get high SAT scores and then get into colleges that require over 1200 SAT scores. So, if not more intelligent on average, perhaps Jews have "perfected" test taking?

American Asians may have an even higher average IQ. Well, move aside for perfected Buddhists, at least here on Earth.

In NYC in the 1960's Stuyvesant High School, the public high school that was for the students with higher intelligence (based on an admittance test) , had a majority of Jewish students. Today the majority are Asian students.

Perhaps Christians are "perfected" in ways that these non-Christian "ethnics" aren't that "perfect" (yet)? Like golf perhaps, or football, or beach volley ball?
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Reply Mon 15 Oct, 2007 08:50 pm
Amigo wrote:
I would like to see a rift between the Jews and the christians. It would be more of a balance between the big three religions. Instead of two idiots attacking one idiot with the one idiot blowing $hit up at random when nobodys around. There would be a stalemate.

But I'm dreaming. The sheep that are coerced by these man behind religion will never let peace happen. They are in it for the blood money and power.

It's satanism by it's real name.

In my opinion, the problem with using the term "Christian" is that Christianity is really split between Catholic/main stream Protestant and Protestant Evangelical. And Catholic is really very separate, in that they are a universal church, in practically every country. (I know I left out Christian Orthodoxy.)

Anyway, I believe, Jews know that only the Evangelical Protestants feel some true historical feelings towards Israel, similar to Jews themselves.

And, in my opinion, one shouldn't think of Judaism as one of the "big three religions." Jews think of themselves as the first monotheistic religion; what came after is not of interest in a religious sense. The choice of words might give some the thought that there is a meeting of the "big three," where issues are discussed. Not so.

But, like kindergarten, "all the children play nice," and we all pretend that there are no real rifts.
0 Replies
Reply Mon 15 Oct, 2007 09:00 pm
Ah yes, "what jews think of themselves", The chosen people.

A divine sanction to do what?

What does every religion think of themselves? Isn't that the problem.

Jews may think for instance that the higher there I.Q. the closer they are to perfection.
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Reply Mon 15 Oct, 2007 09:20 pm
Amigo wrote:
Ah yes, "what jews think of themselves".

The chosen people?

What does every religion think of themselves? Isn't that the problem.

Jews may think for instance that the higher there I.Q. the closer they are to perfection.

Being a minority in the world's population, but surviving most of their historical enemies might just have given Jews the ethical right to "think of themselves" and not worry about the world at large. But, amazingly a good portion of the world likes to include Jews in the big picture. Odd, wouldn't you say? There are only 14 million Jews in a world with over three billion (a low estimate I'm guessing).

Jews are not a problem, since what they think of themselves never resulted in Crusades, or Reconquests, or Thirty Years Wars, etc. I don't think they should be drafted into the maelstrom of the world's modern history. They shouldn't be included in a history of Pope's, Princes, and Empires. They shouldn't be empowered, when they are a small fraction of the world's population. And, if they have a little influence, what does that say about the rest of the world? Perhaps, some people like their assistance? Don't blame them for their abilities.
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Reply Mon 15 Oct, 2007 09:36 pm
I wouldn't blame any group for their abilities I would only blame them for thr unethical application of those abilities and the ethics of those asking for assistance.

Perfection would include ethical perfection as well, And a perfect religion or people would have no need to exploit anybody for anything. They would also have no need for lies.

Can I ask you if the Jews are the chosen people?
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Reply Mon 15 Oct, 2007 10:55 pm
Acording to this graph Atheist are more perfect.

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Reply Tue 16 Oct, 2007 07:58 am
Foofie wrote:
And, in my opinion, one shouldn't think of Judaism as one of the "big three religions."

i agree. one should think of it as one of the big three religions: judaism, hinduism, and "other."

Jews think of themselves as the first monotheistic religion; what came after is not of interest in a religious sense.

some jews may be interested in other religions, in particular, there are quite a lot of jews that attend buddhist ashrams.

The choice of words might give some the thought that there is a meeting of the "big three," where issues are discussed. Not so.

but there should be, especially if you ask rabbi zalman shachter-shalomi, and anyone else with eyes on the future of mankind, vs. a romanticism of the past. i'm not dismissing concerns about assimilation, nor would he. polite discourse has nothing to do with assimilation, though from the jews on the far-right you'd think the only way to prevent another holocaust was to hate everyone.

But, like kindergarten, "all the children play nice," and we all pretend that there are no real rifts.

this happens, especially with us-israeli relations, but the less you speak on behalf of your people, the better off your people will be.

Amigo wrote:
Ah yes, "what jews think of themselves", The chosen people.

you misunderstand that. it's possiible foofie does as well.

A divine sanction to do what?

a requirement. no sanction. it's a privilege, but not in the sense we tend to think where "privilege" is concerned. it's more a burden.

there is a story about how god went to every other people first, to give them the task he gave to the jews. no one else wanted it, and the jews (which of course, they weren't yet known as) had to be talked into it. they were his first chosen, not his chosen first.

What does every religion think of themselves? Isn't that the problem.

at times, including in this thread. i wouldn't paint all jews with the same brush that paints foofie, please.

Jews may think for instance that the higher there I.Q. the closer they are to perfection.

only idiots think that. i hold most jews in higher regard and wouldn't presume them to be so foolish.

as for israel and palestine, i'm disappointed with the entire middle east, but to be fair, i could find the same fault with any part of the world.

no matter where you go, there are foolish people, and some that try to rise above that. it's commendable wherever it happens, and i don't consider it a "jewish" trait, nor a gentile trait. i consider it an act of ethical evolution that anyone is free and prone to take part in eventually.
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Reply Tue 16 Oct, 2007 08:09 am
Amigo wrote:
I wouldn't blame any group for their abilities I would only blame them for thr unethical application of those abilities and the ethics of those asking for assistance.

Perfection would include ethical perfection as well, And a perfect religion or people would have no need to exploit anybody for anything. They would also have no need for lies.

Can I ask you if the Jews are the chosen people?

As I understand, or learned, Jews say they were "chosen by God to follow the Ten Commandments." And, as I learned, Christians also say Jews were "chosen by God to bring Jesus (the Messiah) to the world."

So, I believe, it's necessary to separate the religious beliefs from different faiths, when one starts to analyze the Jewish people.

When Jews, following Moses (as the story goes) were given the Ten Commandments, as far as they knew, it was God directing only them to follow the commandments. The rest of the world was still praying to stone idols, or trees, or the Sun, etc. And, there was no injunction to proselytize the Ten Commandments to the world. So, with Christians adopting the Ten Commandments also, I believe, some people may forget the "chosen" aspect of Jews has nothing to do with being "special" in a secular sense.

Now, if someone meets someone who is Jewish, and that Jewish person acts "special," or "chosen," or even "superior," perhaps that relates to the thought that Christianity very much teaches one to be humble before one's fellow man. Judaism may (I really don't know) teach that also, but possibly not as rule #1, as Christianity seems to do? (Judaism emphasizes humility before God. And, repeats it continuously in their prayer books.) But, it's not even "acting chosen" that bothers many people. Many people are annoyed if they "think" someone "thinks" they are "special," "chosen," or "superior." That is interesting, since if one is honest to themselves, one has to realize there will always be people that think they are better than oneself. Why should it bother a person to realize that? An inferiority complex? Who knows? But, I've seen this many times, that just because someone thinks they are "better," or "smarter," or more "capable at some effort," that person is despised. Human nature is really very jealous, I believe.

In otherwords, I personally, don't think of Christianity as spiritually "perfected," compared to Judaism, but a better teacher of genteel (not Gentile) behavior. But, I've met obnoxious people from both camps. And, some Christians act "chosen" also. Chosen to believe their beliefs are correct, and everyone else's are wrong. (Judaism does not say they have any better chance at any salvation than any person who lives a moral life. Judaism only says if one is born a Jew, one is supposed to follow certain traditions/laws; it's just what they're obligated to do.)
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Reply Tue 16 Oct, 2007 08:21 am
Say positive things about me. Don't be an anti-Foofite.
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Reply Tue 16 Oct, 2007 09:23 am
Anti-Religion not anti-foofite.

All Religion is man-made. Is it a surprise that everytime man makes a religion for himself HE himself and his people are the chosen people.

The is arrogance and ethnocentric.

It is not done in the name peace, truth, and justice. It is a guise of selfishness.

Columbus cut the fingers off those native Americans that did not bring back enough gold. Afterall the were savages and he was a man of God.

The savages didn't find much use for gold it was to soft. It was ornamental. But the Jesus people were obsessed with it. They made a bank out of it. Now the savages trade gold to feed their kids. They dig the earth with there own hands. The savages think the earth is sacred

The more perfect you are the more gold you can get from the savages.

God doesn't have much use for gold either....or religion. Gold and religion are the will of men not God.

I wonder who will inherit the gold and who will inherit the earth.

And what will we do with bags of gold at the gates we traded for eden turned to hell.
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Reply Tue 16 Oct, 2007 09:36 am
Foofie wrote:
But, I've met obnoxious people from both camps.

i know you're applying this to judaism and christianity, i just wanted to quote it because it's part of my philosophy-of-everything. i'd apply it just as much to the religious and atheist, the logical and emotional, the left and right, the peacenik and the warmonger, and so on. it even applies to self- as sometimes we're all very reasonable people...
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