gungasnake wrote:
We observe warming on Mars and two or three other bodies in our system; nobody smokes cigars or drives SUVs on Mars...
Gunga, on the global warming thread, as a lark, I took the solar radiance information figures, used my calculator and in a few minutes, I calculated the increased heat into the earths atmosphere computed into about 0.3 degrees centigrade. This was based on using the average temperature above absolute zero. The increase in radiance is dismissed because it is supposedly too small, but I decided to run the numbers by applying it to the temperature scale. Interestingly, this is approximately the same increase observed in today's climate, if you can believe all the measurements are close to accurate. Also interesting, nobody has shot this calculation down yet. I am still waiting for a scientist to come up with a reason why a simple answer can't be a correct answer or at least part of the answer, and why such a calculation doesn't make as much sense as some obscure and complex greenhouse gas formula cranked into a computer that nobody understands or can relate to the real world. Also, the beauty of my calculation did not require a government grant or millions or billions of dollars. I have done it free at no taxpayer expense.