I know you were a Rainsoft dealer that now has a local, but not in your hometown, independent dealership selling your FleckSE stuff in Athens GA. And that your H2zero_Man web site pictures you in Superman spandex tights while you wave the American flag and an assault rifle... AND that you say you aren't an Ecowater dealer but you say you are approved or allowed whatever, to sell Ecowater through a local Ecowater dealer, which is in Athens IIRC; or is that the local Rainsoft dealer..... And you have Ecowater on both the h2zeroman.us and the athenswater.com web sites.
You also say you have been helping many ex Rainsoft customers by swapping the control on their softeners etc.. And that you have some parts for some RS valves.
I know you aren't sizing equipment correctly because of your statements that the peak demand gpm doesn't have to be used to size equipment; just the hardness and number of people you say.
I also know that most if not the vast majority of Rainsoft and Ecowater dealers are the biggest ripoffs in the industry and that you are or have been affiliated with one or both of them for over the last 20 years and that you are STILL affiliated with them.
And if I'm missing anything about you, I don't see where I need to know it.