We had a fair turnout. We had heard that a busload of burb kids were dropped off cause they heard halloween was good in this neighborhood... I don't think they made it back to K's house though. We got the regulars who know that K's house is a good place for a scare.

It was fun, but most of the costumes were storebought.
Next year, I'm not listening to K say that he's not decorating. He can't help himself, he HAS to decorate. And he always does it the day of, not before. This set up was done in a day and we took it all back into the house when we called it quits...
The tombstones are from a movie, of course. And yes, he has a fog machine. I'll have to see tomorrow if I can come up with a better photo...
Soz, love the hot glue gun, but be careful! I usually swear while using it. For my costume I only basted. Lost a couple of stitches in the black sheer when K sat too close to my large skirt, but no harm done.
I love my digital camera! Only had it a year, but have taken loads more pics now than I ever did!
Lucky Setanta with the homemade costumes. Much more fun.
We did have quite a few Ninjas and spidermans. One spiderman was so tiny!