Mon 11 Aug, 2003 06:47 am
What is the lure for being president of the US? Would you want to be? Why?
I suppose people are attracted to the job by the thought of being the World's Most Powerful Man (or Woman).
Mere mortals such as us cannot comprehend the amount of dodgy stuff that our governments get up to 'on our behalf', and knowing a nation's secrets must be a buzz.
On a slightly different thread, I think the people of the US should be grateful they actually get to vote for their president, unlike those of us on the other side of the waters who get a prime minister who has the same job, but is elected by the patry not the people.
Although (like Arnie) I'm not qualified to run, I'd give it go I think. There must be an opportunity in there somewhere to actually change people's lives for the better and make a difference to the world.
The thought of spending the rest of my life with a secret service unit protecting me & my family puts me off a little though.