real life wrote: Been talking to farmerman, I see.
The Flood and creation are two entirely different issues.
Obviously any Flood took place many years AFTER any creation had happened.
And your ability to take quotes out of context are still boring as all get-out. The Global Flood is part of many people's beliefs in creation stories and they apply it in the context of origins (creation). I prefaced my point with describing it as people who take the KJV at face value in english, no other knowledge required, just accept the Fundamentalist legacy.
Have you honestly never noticed that these people explain the origins of many modern observations with this nonsense? Sea shells on mountains, the deaths of all those animals found in the fossil record? Have you never noticed that some creationists tout their ideas as 'creation science' but for some reason it's never just about the origin of the universe?
Feel free to keep whatever version of 'creation' you'd like, I was specifically talking about another person's, quite explicitly. Define it, present evidence for it. It's quite obvious how little you have to offer, given that all you can do is nit pick, usually mistakenly.