Re: Don't tell me there's any proof for creationism.
real life wrote:Perhaps if you spoke Hebrew or had a decent English translation you would think differently.
So, neither the NIV or the KJV are decent English translations? Which version of the Bible do you use? And furthermore, even if there wasn't a contradiction, how can you prove the Genesis account of creation to be true?
real life wrote:Unless you're defining 'microevolution' as differences within a species , such as size and shape of head, hair color, shape of teeth, brain size, height, weight, limb length, etc.
In that case, I fully agree that variation exists. But calling it 'microevolution' is an exercise in deception.
Evolution requires much more than different hair color. It must produce new species, correct?
Incorrect. Evolution, particularly biological evolution, strictly speaking is change in the properties of populations of organisms that transcend the life of a single individual within that population. There is no requirement for creating new species. It can create new species, but it is not a requirement.
Evolutionary theory is useful in predicting new strains of influenza virus, explains drug resistance, the management of fisheries for greater yields (Bull, J. J. and H. A. Wichman. 2001. Applied evolution. Annual Review of Ecology and Systematics 32: 183-217.)
Quote:A species is that group that can interbreed with each other, right?
So if a critter gives birth to one who is the first of the 'new species', what will it breed with?
And if it still breeds with the 'old species', then it is not a 'new species' is it?
Thank you for arguing against a complete strawman.
Evolutionary theory currently states that species arise from incremental changes (or possibly decremental changes) that slowly modify the population over time. The new generation will still be able to mate with the previous generation. As the incremental changes occur, the newer generations will be more and more incapable of breeding with the original.
You have, if I am not mistaken, reverted to the old Creationist tactic of providing no evidence of your own to support your viewpoint. Of course, that dinosaur painting thing would be considered evidence, if you actually provided sources and if there wasn't a good chance it wasn't a complete hoax.
It's likely to be a hoax or propaganda if it's from a Creationist website like Answers in Genesis. I'm sorry, but they're clearly lying bastards. It doesn't matter how true Creationism may or may not be, those guys are clearly liars that twist the definition of Evolution so they have a strawman to attack and fabricate evidence.
Paluxy river footprints, anyone?