bigdog279 wrote:If the world was created by a big explosion, everything would have been a mess.
Not necessarily. After all, the explosion you'd be referring to in terms of the genesis of the earth is the last time our sun went supernova. Since you've started with using science, let's continue and list the general idea of earth's formation, where that cloud of light gases and heavier elements coalesces due to gravity, bits attaching to bits and so on, some of it gaining kinda sorta stable orbits and bashing into other things until we get a nice earth-shaped ball of rock and metal. This might sound a bit unlikely - look at all all the stuff that must've been reabsorbed into the sun at the center! - but then again look at the relative size of the earth. Now, with this explanation of gravity, we already have an explosion that results in a nice earth-sized ball of 'stuff', so hopefully that answers your first point.
bigdog279 wrote:Someone must have put everything in order.
Hmm, why?
bigdog279 wrote:If not, why is it that we live in the third planet, the perfect location from the sun.
Good question. The simple answer is: the anthropic principle. Now, it isn't necessarily the case, but it's enough to make the argument from fine tuning look a bit silly. If you'd like you can look it up on Wikipedia or something along those lines, but the anthropic principle basically goes like this: if it were any other way, would we exist? If not, there is no situation in which we'd be around to remark at these things which does not include apparent small probabilities.
bigdog279 wrote:And why is it that we have body parts in the best place they could be?
Well, we don't. Our eyes are pretty stupid, for example, and have irritating blind spots. Wikipedia the term "blind spot", you can do an experiment with your computer to find it! Octopuses, their line having evolved a complex and successful eye independently, have no such problem. We eat and breath through the same hole (essentially). That means inevitably some of us are going to choke (I've stolen this from Neil deGrasse Tyson). Dolphins have no such problem. Another example stolen from Tyson: genitalia. Ours our stuck down between our legs, connected straight to the waste disposal systems! To paraphrase/editorialize, it's like sticking an amusement park right in the middle of a sewage treatment plant! Tough to appreciate the genius there if we're gauging this by apparent human desires. Another common example of bad design is the recurrent pharyngeal nerve, which loops all over the place in your neck. It's one of those things that points to an evolutionary path plagued by contingency and adaptation, not a well-thought-out design.
Now, these are all arguments against the "hey, aren't we designed great?" ones and do not automatically constitute arguments against God (a very vague concept) Himself or that kind of thing.
bigdog279 wrote:The arms are aligned, skin covers the whole body, and stuff like that...
Yes, and now it might be time to look into "natural selection", which is a good explanation for truly adaptive traits. Now, there is certainly exaption and contingency, but you don't want to get overwhelmed
. Let's just say that skin confers some definite advantages, so it's kept around in the population (and changes depending on the creature or what geological time period we're looking at!). As with apparent adaptive traits, this is a bit more complex as well, but you get the idea.
If you're interested in body plans, you might want to look up the Cambrian Explosion (from a decent resource, not a creationist one) and evolutionary developmental biology for some very interesting stuff.
bigdog279 wrote:Also, how come cycles occur? The water cycle for one.
So far as the water cycles goes, I don't know - it's something that just seems to happen and I don't know if there's any biotic causes or significant relationships that led to such a cycle. When comparing the earth to other planets, we have quite a bit of water, so it's not too crazy. And if you compare our weather to say that of Venus, the earth's distribution of chemicals through the atmosphere looks like weak sauce.
bigdog279 wrote:Everything couldn't have been all a coincidence...
If by coincidence you mean without God or some designer figure, why not? Look at all that we discover in the patterns of nature, the causal relationships we can tease out. Where there often used to reside ignorance (and "designer" as a placeholder explanation), we now have very good answers. When man had no idea of his place in the universe, the heavens were a beautiful tapestry and we invented all kinds of interesting stories with attributed divine causality, etc. And we noticed the regularity of the stars, the cycles. Then we were able to tease out the information about the planets of our solar system, and then the idea that the earth was not at the center, and now we can see not just other planets, not just other stars, but entire galaxies, all operating in what appears to be magnificent fashion. Before, this was a tapestry attributed to the divine. Which is more accurate? (both are beautiful)
bigdog279 wrote:And just to note it, nothing among those things were Bible based...
No complaints here!