Yes, Surge, That's My Baby: Press Responds to Bush Speech

Reply Fri 14 Sep, 2007 10:25 am
Yes, Surge, That's My Baby: Press Responds to Bush Speech
By E&P Staff
Published: September 13, 2007

By the time President Bush addressed the nation tonight, little suspense about his remarks remained. What Gen. Petraeus was going to recommend -- continue to "surge" -- was clear weeks ago, and excerpts from the president's remarks were released by the White House this afternoon. So the media had plenty of time to figure out how to respond.

Below we will carry some of the reactions, with new material added at the top.

Nancy Youssef, McClatchy Newspapers

Thursday night, Bush declared success and painted a rosy picture.

There was no mention of a range of government reports, from a National Security Estimate to a Government Accountability Office report and even the testimony this week of U.S. Iraq commander Army Gen. David Petraeus, that has said Iraqi civilian casualties remain high and that it will be years before Iraqi security forces can take control.

Other reports have stressed that Iraqis continue to flee their homes looking for safety at unprecedented rates and that Shiite militias continue to force Sunni Muslims from their homes. Baghdad residents complain that their city has become even more segregated than before the surge, divided now by hastily erected concrete walls to keep rival sects separate.

Editorial, New York Post:

President Bush last night told the nation that he will order a modest reduction in U.S. combat strength in Iraq, but he revealed no dramatic changes in overall policy - effectively consigning the future of Iraq, if not the entire Middle East, to the American presidential political process.

For better or for worse.

Glenn Kessler, opening a Washington Post "fact check" piece:

In his speech last night, President Bush made a case for progress in Iraq by citing facts and statistics that at times contradicted recent government reports or his own words.

For instance, Bush asserted that "Iraq's national leaders are getting some things done," such as "sharing oil revenues with the provinces" and allowing "former Baathists to rejoin Iraq's military or receive government pensions."

Yet his statement ignored the fact that U.S. officials have been frustrated that none of those actions have been enshrined into law -- and that reports from Baghdad this week indicated that a potential deal on sharing oil revenue is collapsing.

David S. Cloud, The New York Times:

It is the second time in 10 months that Mr. Bush has opted for higher troop levels in Iraq than are favored by some of his senior military advisers. Among those who supported a smaller troop increase than the one Mr. Bush ordered last January were members of the Joint Chiefs of Staff.

Now, some of his advisers would prefer setting a faster timetable for drawing the force back down.

Some even suggest that Mr. Bush's portrayal of the strategy as relying heavily on recommendations from General Petraeus has been more than a little disingenuous, given that it was unlikely that a battlefield commander would repudiate his own plans.

"This approach can work for brief periods in many places, but it's not a good long-term solution," said Douglas A. Macgregor, a retired Army colonel and a critic of the Bush administration's handling of Iraq. He called General Petraeus's testimony "another deceitful attempt on the part of the generals and their political masters to extend our stay in the country long enough until Bush leaves office."

The Associated Press, in a 'fact check' article:


"We thank the 36 nations who have troops on the ground in Iraq and the many others who are helping that young democracy."


There may well be 36 nations contributing to the cause, but the overwhelming majority of troops come from the United States. For example, Albania has 120 soldiers there and Bulgaria has 150 non-combat troops in Iraq. Bush visited both nations this summer as a thank you.

The United States has 168,000 troops in Iraq.

Editorial, The New York Times:Editorial, The Philadelphia Inquirer:

In July, Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D., Nev.) snuffed out a flickering bipartisan push for regional diplomacy when he cut off debate on Iraq because Republicans wouldn't accept a date for withdrawing troops.

But only when Congress speaks with a bipartisan voice on the war will it be able to change the course of Bush's tragic policy.

Joseph L. Galloway, syndicated columnist:

Well, now we've heard from General David Petraeus and Ambassador Ryan Crocker and President George W. Bush, and it appears that the Surge has succeeded -- succeeded in guaranteeing that the Iraq War will drag on for the last 16 months of the Bush presidency at a cost of another 1,600 American dead and $13 billion a month.

Extending the war, kicking that can down the road, was President Bush's only strategic objective last January when he came up with the idea of escalating the number of American troops in Iraq from 130,000 to today's 170,000. Put simply, the Decider wants to hand off the decision to pull the plug on his unwinnable war to someone else, anyone else.

Peter Baker and Karen DeYoung, The Washington Post:

The president's upbeat assessment of the situation in Iraq during a nationally televised address last night was shadowed by the killing earlier in the day of a Sunni sheik who led the turnaround of a key province in alliance with U.S. forces. While Bush stressed the positive, his staff finished work on a report it will send to Congress today concluding that Iraq is making "satisfactory" progress on nine of 18 political, economic and security benchmarks, just one more than in July, administration officials said.

Doyle McManus, Los Angeles Times

For more than four years since the invasion of Iraq in 2003, President Bush has most often defined the U.S. objective there with a single stirring word: "Victory."

"Victory in Iraq is vital for the United States of America," he told cadets at the U.S. Coast Guard Academy in May. "Victory in this struggle will require more patience, more courage and more sacrifice," he warned National Guardsmen in West Virginia in July.

But this week, the word "victory" quietly disappeared from the president's vocabulary. It was replaced, instead, by a more ambiguous goal: "Success."

Editorial, The Washington Post:

Mr. Bush's plan offers, at least, the prospect of extending recent gains against al-Qaeda in Iraq, preventing full-scale sectarian war and allowing Iraqis more time to begin moving toward a new political order. For that reason, it is preferable to a more rapid withdrawal. It's not necessary to believe the president's promise that U.S. troops will "return on success" in order to accept the judgment of Mr. Crocker: "Our current course is hard. The alternatives are far worse."

Steven Lee Myers and Carl Hulse, The New York Times:

While touting progress in Iraq, Mr. Bush conceded that his vision for Iraq would be a difficult one to achieve. That acknowledgment was punctuated with macabre timing by the assassination today in Anbar Province, west of Baghdad, of a Sunni sheik, Abdul Sattar Buzaigh al-Rishawi, who had led a group of tribal leaders into an alliance with the United States and who had met the president during his trip to Iraq only 10 days ago.

The White House clearly sought to maximize the political benefits from the announcement of a troop reduction, which some military officials said would have had to happen anyway unless the administration took the politically unpalatable step of extending soldiers' tours in Iraq to longer than 15 months.

Thomas Ricks live-blogged the speech at www.washingtonpost.com. Here are some of his comments, as they occurred.

--"Return on success"? I dunno, this sounds like a Merrill Lynch slogan to me. Is it annualized?

--He just said that the "way forward" he described makes it possible to bring together both sides of the debate. This leaves me scratching my head a bit. Is the goal of the anti-war movement to get the U.S. military presence in Iraq back to the Jan. 2006 level of about 130,000? I don't think so.

-- Quoting a Dead Soldier: This is dangerous territory. It worries me a bit. It makes me think of the two paratroopers from the 82nd Airborne who were killed in Baghdad the other day, and who signed an op-ed piece in the New York Times that argued against the surge.

--I actually am surprised at how old this speech seems, more than four years into the war. The president is arguing that we have to keep troops in Iraq, and we need to make it a democracy to change the Middle East.

--Democratic Response: 'Indefinite Presence'
That phrase, just uttered by Sen. Jack Reed of Rhode Island, sounds to be like it is going to be the Democratic response to "precipitous withdrawal."
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Reply Fri 14 Sep, 2007 10:35 am
AP Fact-Checks Bush Iraq Speech
AP Fact-Checks Bush Iraq Speech
Published: September 13, 2007

Political realignment in Iraq's volatile Anbar province was Exhibit A for President Bush's argument Thursday that Iraq is a fight that the United States is winning.

A look at some of Bush's assertions.


"Anbar province is a good example of how our strategy is working," Bush said, noting that just last year U.S. intelligence analysts had written off the Sunni area as "lost to al-Qaida."


Early Thursday, the most prominent figure in a U.S.-backed revolt of Sunni sheiks against al-Qaida in Iraq was killed by a bomb planted near his home.

The killing of a chief Anbar ally hours before Bush spoke showed the tenuous and changeable nature of success in Anbar and Iraq at large.

Although Sunni sheiks have defied al-Qaida and largely allied with U.S. forces in Anbar, the province remains violent and al-Qaida remains a threat.

Abdul-Sattar Abu Risha died 10 days after he met with Bush during a surprise visit the U.S. leader made to highlight the turnaround in Anbar. The charismatic young sheik led the Anbar Salvation Council, also known as the Anbar Awakening - an alliance of clans backing the Iraqi government and U.S. forces.

The Sunni revolt against al-Qaida led to a dramatic improvement in security in Anbar cities such as Fallujah and Ramadi. Iraqis who had been sitting on the sidelines - or planting roadside bombs to kill Americans - have now joined with U.S. forces to hunt down al-Qaida in Iraq, whose links to Osama bin Laden's terror network are unclear.

Anbar is not secure, accounting for 18 percent of the U.S. deaths in Iraq so far this year - making it the second deadliest province after Baghdad.

Bush's top military commander in Iraq, Gen. David Petraeus, told Congress this week that Anbar's circumstances are unique and its model cannot be replicated everywhere in Iraq, but "it does demonstrate the dramatic change in security that is possible with the support and participation of local citizens."


Progress in Iraq, including improvement in the performance of the Iraqi army, led to Petraeus' recommendation that "we have now reached the point where we can maintain our security gains with fewer American forces."

Bush said there is still work to be done to improve the Iraqi national police.


A new White House report on Iraq shows slim progress, moving just one more political and security goal into the satisfactory column. Efforts to let former members of Saddam Hussein's Baath Party rejoin the political process earned the upgrade, a senior administration official told The Associated Press.

The report largely tracks a comparable poor assessment in July on 18 benchmarks. The earlier White House report said the Iraqi government had made satisfactory gains toward eight benchmarks, unsatisfactory marks on eight and mixed results on two.

Although the benchmark list is the rubric that the White House and the Iraqi government proposed earlier this year, the Bush administration has recently said it offers a skewed or incomplete view of progress in Iraq.


Bush noted that the government has not met its own legislative benchmarks, but he pointed to limited political progress among Iraq's national leaders. He said Iraq has passed a budget and is sharing oil wealth.


The General Accountability Office reported last month that Iraq has only partially met a test involving reformation of its budget process, although the State Department, Pentagon and White House disputed the finding.

Some proceeds from Iraq's vast oil and gas resources are being shared among regions, but the country lacks a national framework agreement for the distribution of oil revenues.

A national oil law, which would also invite foreign investment, has been repeatedly promised by Iraq's leaders and frequently mentioned by U.S. officials as a crucial marker of the country's ability to reconcile its ethnic and religious groups.

Iraq's main political parties are deadlocked over the law and the legislation has been sent back to party leaders to see if they can salvage it, an official involved in the talks said Thursday.


"We thank the 36 nations who have troops on the ground in Iraq and the many others who are helping that young democracy."


There may well be 36 nations contributing to the cause, but the overwhelming majority of troops come from the United States. For example, Albania has 120 soldiers there and Bulgaria has 150 non-combat troops in Iraq. Bush visited both nations this summer as a thank you.

The United States has 168,000 troops in Iraq.
0 Replies
Reply Fri 14 Sep, 2007 10:47 am
Best comment I heard was from CNN Iraq correspondent David Ware, who is actually in Iraq day to day> When asked to react he shook his head and said, "Wow!" Then went on to disassemble the Bush propaganda.
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Reply Fri 14 Sep, 2007 11:22 am
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Reply Sat 15 Sep, 2007 09:24 am
More 'Blather' from 'Wash Post' on Staying in Iraq
More 'Blather' from 'Wash Post' on Staying in Iraq
By Glenn Greenwald - Salon
September 14, 2007

This is how it goes endlessly with the Post editorial page and much of the rest of the Washington Establishment: (1) If X does not happen, there is no justification for staying; (2) X has not happened; (3) we must stay.

It has been extremely difficult over the past several months to pay any attention at all to the discussion of Iraq from our political and media stars. It is all just complete blather, and never means anything. All of these stern and worried and tough words spill endlessly from their mouths -- they all proclaimed in May that September was the Day of Reckoning: there would be bipartisan, forced withdrawal if the political benchmarks weren't met -- only for the same thing to happen over and over.

The conditions are not met; Bush proclaims we are staying; and the Washington Establishment submits.

Just look at the behavior of The Washington Post's Fred Hiatt in the last week alone to see how barren and worthless their words are.

Last Sunday, Hiatt came closer than ever before to admitting failure in Iraq, ending his Editorial by asking: "If Iraqis are not moving toward political reconciliation, what justifies a continuing commitment of U.S. troops, with the painful sacrifices in lives that entails?"

Thus, argued Hiatt, if the President cannot answer that question, and "if there is to be no political accord in the near future," then we must change our Iraq policy to "limit troop levels to those necessary to accomplish" very specific and more modest goals.

But today, Hiatt admits that what he said just five days ago were pre-conditions for supporting Bush's Iraq policy have not been met: "the president failed to acknowledge that, according to the standards he himself established in January, the surge of U.S. troops into Iraq has been a failure -- because Iraqi political leaders did not reach the political accords that the sacrifice of American lives was supposed to make possible."

Thus, by Hiatt's own reasoning on Sunday, it means that there is no justification for "a continuing commitment of U.S. troops." So does he embrace that conclusion? Of course not, because nothing he says matters; all that matters is that we stay in Iraq and do what the President wants: "Mr. Bush's plan offers, at least, the prospect of extending recent gains against al-Qaeda in Iraq, preventing full-scale sectarian war and allowing Iraqis more time to begin moving toward a new political order. For that reason, it is preferable to a more rapid withdrawal. It's not necessary to believe the president's promise that U.S. troops will 'return on success' in order to accept the judgment of Mr. Crocker: 'Our current course is hard. The alternatives are far worse.'"

This is how it goes endlessly with people like Hiatt: (1) If X does not happen, there is no justification for staying; (2) X has not happened; (3) we must stay.

That is why nothing they say has any meaning. Staying in Iraq is always the only real goal. Everything else is just pretext and blather to continue to do that.

Just look at the virtually unanimous consensus among our political and media class from last May, just four months ago. They all banded together to assure Americans that, come September, if the benchmarks were not met and there was no political reconciliation, that would be the end of the line for the war. Worried and principled Republicans were willing to wait until September, but come September, they would join with Democrats and end the war, or at least force a significant withdrawal.

Yet regardless of one's views regarding the latest claims of "military progress," everyone agrees that this allegedly necessary condition -- benchmark fulfillment and political reconciliation -- has not happened. It is not even a close call. As Hiatt himself said today, even Petraeus and Crocker "emphasized that political accords will be slower in coming than Washington has expected, if they are achievable at all."

Yet it does not matter. Even though the condition they all proclaimed must be met in order to stay has not been met, they still all insist we must stay. It's always the same:

(1) If X does not happen by Y date, there is no justification for staying, they proclaim;

(2) X has not happened;

(3) We must stay.

That is why what they say -- all of their sober prognostications and warnings and analyses -- is meaningless. All of the talk about "worst options" and alleged fears of what will happen if we withdraw and our "strategic interests" all just mask the simple truth that we are going to stay -- even when their own premises amount to an acknowledgement that there is no point in staying -- because we are staying to protect the reputations and credibility and egos of the Washington Establishment.

A full version of this column appears at Greenwald's usual blog spot at:

Glenn Greenwald ([email protected]) blogs regularly at www.salon.com. He is author of the bestselling books, "How Would a Patriot Act?" and the current "A Tragic Legacy: How a Good vs. Evil Mentality Destroyed the Bush Presidency."
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Reply Sat 15 Sep, 2007 10:13 am
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Reply Sat 15 Sep, 2007 10:19 am
I wonder what happened to those 20 benchmarks that were supposed to be met in September, and that were supposed to decide the fate of the American occupation. Suddenly, nobody's talking about these benchmarks anymore.
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