hamburger wrote:the ONTARIO TRUCKING ASSOCIATION has asked the ontario government to establish legislation that will force all truck owners (big rigs) to install speed limiters (max 105 kmh = about 65 niles) .
the reasons are quite simple :
cut down on fuel consumption = save gas = improve profit
reduce accidents = reduce insurance cost = improve profit
it seems that capitalism and government rules CAN live with each other :wink: !
I guarantee it will use more fuel and might cause more accidents. It would save fuel if we're talking about strictly flat areas, but as a truck driver I can tell you that without being able to [safely] use the last part of a downhill run to gain speed for the next hill, it means the difference between topping the next hill at 55 or topping it at 25. A slow truck on a hill means foot to the floor, downshifting, and much more TIME spent with your foot to the floor, not to mention the way it messes up traffic with one lane clogged by slow trucks. I've seen more than one accident caused by widely varying traffic patterns.
Slower is not safer, nor does it mean less fuel. In 1960, sure... going 35 probably returned the best MPG, but these days with modern aerodynamics, EGR systems, and improvements in friction reduction that might mean 60-80 mph. I know that if I drive 55 in my car I use more fuel than if I drive 70. My axle ratio is such that driving slower causes the engine to lug down meaning more throttle opening with less ground covered per minute.