Quote:We STILL have no slaves; " economic empire " is a fantasy.
Perhaps you need to do some research :wink:
An easy one is "Confessions of an Economic Hitman"...which would be a conspiracy theory except it is written by the ex Chief Economist of one of the original American Multinational Engineering Companies.
Or do some research into why Middle Eastern Oil is bought in US dollars, and how Iran has switched to Euros, and the forecasts of what could happen if they all switched to Euros
Or some research into what has happened since the 1950's in South America, and why so of them hate America.
Or do some reading into places like Haiti
Or some reading into the founding of the World Bank, and the IMF
Or some research into the scale of third world debt
(you can find more sites if you look, or books)
Or some reading into Saudi Arabia, the 'Nation Building' that occured there in the 70's, and the ramifications the incurred debt had in 1990 when Saddam Hussein invaded Kuwait (which by the way, had been ruled from Iraq for 2000 years prior to the end of WW1..the boundaries were then decided by the Brittish/French, don't recall which specifically)
There's probably more, but I can't think of the others off the top of my head.