Fri 17 Aug, 2007 02:15 pm
This site was highly recommended in this morning's newspaper:
As I remember, lots of people wonder about money, but don't know where to look for facts.
my boss should certainly pay me more than he does.... in an ideal world.
but..we're a small non-profit, we don't have the money yet, and i wouldn't have any other job. i guess there's something to be said about things that money can't buy... though ideally the two should be combined. eh, in the next life!
There was no option for childcare/nanny/daycare - nothing close to what I do. Which is odd since they had housekeepers there.
Where's the cowboyfiremanpolice in space option?
I feel I should be getting paid at LEAST $.25 more an hour for my demanding job of "Wal-Mart Greeter."
And I want business cards.
You can also try but it's for your current work. According to that site, I'm at the top for anonymous profiles for my current job. Well, that really doesn't mean much. But according to, I'm below the bottom of the range.
The newspaper article mentioned that there were regional differences. Also the needs of the marketplace vary and new hires can find themselves in Great Demand or Great Supply and be paid accordingly.