I’m very surprised, too. He was my favorite public figure left standing. I’ve decided how I’m going to assimilate losing him.
I’ve taken a position back in the classroom after two years of relatively easier educational work. I’ve been trying to select notable Americans in history for my wall — pictures to frame — quotes to put with the pics that have social and educational resonance. I have my field now: Malcolm ( with his Muslim name, too), Bobby Kennedy, Cesar Chavez, Maya Angelou, Sojourner Truth, Anthony Bourdain.
One of the most difficult things for young readers to do is read from a point of view that differs from their own. We are all so egocentric — unless we exert ourselves to see from other’s perspectives. Tony’s quotes are full of the value of looking at things from other POVs. He’ll be on my walls among people he respected, his words will be known by a new generation, abc I’ll be quietly happy to see his face among the others.